Tonight, 24’s Kiefer Sutherland returns to FOX in Touch, a new dramatic series from Heroes’ Tim Kring. This evening’s pilot serves as a special preview as the show won’t be a regular part of the network’s schedule until March.
Sutherland plays Martin Bohm. He was a highly successful reporter who’s been toiling in a series of smaller jobs since the death of his wife on 9/11. He’s now a baggage handler who isn’t able to connect with his seemingly-autistic son Jake (David Mazouz), who doesn’t like human contact. A stranger (Danny Glover) tells the frustrated father that there is a pattern to everything and a connection between all of us. If we can figure out the correct formulas, it may be possible to foretell the future.
Is Touch worth watching? Here’s what the critics are saying:
LA Times: “It is, without question, handsomely made, and Sutherland, who managed to keep Jack Bauer something akin to likable through eight seasons of 24, is appealing and should grow more so if the scripts let him relax a little; he is an overwound mainspring when we meet.”
NY Magazine: “Some of the regrettable subplots and incidental details don’t exactly push against typecasting. I really don’t know why Kring and company thought it was necessary to drag 9/11 into their story by making the boy’s mother a casualty of the World Trade Center attack… These, alas, are but a few of the show’s misjudgments; a far bigger problem, from an audience-interest standpoint, is the way Kring and the writing staff lard the story with way, way, way too many personal tragedies and amazing twists of fate, to the point that, to misquote Rick in Casablanca, the world’s problems are reduced to a hill of beans.”
SF Chronicle: “Yes, to a large extent Touch is pretty much like CBS’ Numb3rs with more schmaltz. But it bears a more intriguing similarity to another current CBS show, Person of Interest. That series’ gimmick is a supersecret machine that crunches data to predict when seemingly random individuals will be involved in violence, as either victims or perpetrators… It’s a little tougher when the ‘machine’ is a little kid, and it gets more challenging when we’re asked to follow links to other characters around the world like one of those serpentine dotted lines in a Family Circus panel.”
Chicago Sun Times: “Like Heroes, Touch also makes a great first impression. It can be a tad hokey at times, and the word ‘farfetched’ is bound to show up in more than one review. But overall, the first episode delivers a suspenseful ride around the world, peppered with some tear-jerking moments. The bar has been set high. Here’s hoping “Touch” continues to reach it.”
Hollywood Reporter: “Each week, Kring said, there will be a new stand-alone story involving Martin and Jake (and presumably Clea) that spirals out into the world and affects others elsewhere. And while the pilot was compelling — emotional, mature and hopeful — not every week can end with a ‘social benefit,’ Kring noted… Given that reassurance, viewers should try to connect with Touch. There’s something intriguing about it. Let’s see where in the world it ends up.”
What do you think? Will you tune in to see Touch? If you’ve already watched it, will you come back for more?
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Out of three people in the household, we have one Yes (Mom), one Maybe (Dad, who loved 24), and one No (me). There were some genuinely touching moments in the pilot, but they were far outweighed by far-fetched moments, chief among them being the kid with a bomb strapped to his chest who wouldn’t disconnect it to save the little girl, to save himself, but in fact would in order to get an oven for his family. You think his family would be happy if he blew himself up? You think he’d rather DIE than watch them suffer because they… Read more »
For someone who hardly ever watches TV, I made it a point to watch this premier last night, and I was not disappointed. I love the show and especially the topic–that we are all connected no matter what part of the universe. I have had many “ah ha” moments and truely believe that we are meant to be at a certain place at a praticular time for the “flow” of life, as we know it, to be. Fascinating TV and conversation topic.
We thought it would have worked better as a movie. Every week? Not so much.
Loved this show and love having Kiefer Sutherland back.
I loved it I yelled at the tv only done that 3 yes 3 other times before and yeah I even had a tear in my eye and that takes a lot. I can’t wait to watch it although I’m not sure what the deal is with the long wait. I never saw 24 or any of the other shows but after reading I am going to Netflix em. I’ve always belived that people come into our lives for a reason and that people are sopposed to be at certin places.
i just love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the bad thing :
the next episode will be in march
I totally agree.
Definitely filled my heroes void….Kring is genious! Couldnt help by laugh when I heard ‘ando’s name’. . . Its been awhile since I actually looked forward to a tv drama suspense.
Can’t wait to watch the series, great show
Loved it! Another viewer posted a comment about exploiting autism for ratings. I don’t get why she feels it’s exploitation. I happen to know that one of the writers of the show has a special needs child (unsure if he actually has autism or not) and there is NO WAY her intention would be exploitation of such a challenging disorder. If anything, choosing autism as the focus for this show’s storyline was intentional only to raise public awareness about a disorder that affects so many. One of the critics mentioned that they shouldn’t have chosen 9/11 to be part of… Read more »
i love it
This is an amazing show. I watched it with my 2 boys (ages 10 & 12) and they loved it too. The idea that we are connected and meant to be in certain places at certain times cannot be stressed enough. Keiffer was great…the kid was amazing…the story compelling. I don’t think autism is being portrayed as science fiction in the least! I think it is showing how special these kids are. It is a spectrum disorder and he is not on the same spectrum as all kids with autism. It just goes to show the beauty of what someone… Read more »
This is an amazing show. I watched it with my 2 boys (ages 10 & 12) and they loved it too. The idea that we are connected and meant to be in certain places at certain times cannot be stressed enough. Keiffer was great…the kid was amazing…the story compelling. I don’t think autism is being portrayed as science fiction in the least! I think it is showing how special these kids are. It is a spectrum disorder and he is not on the same spectrum as all kids with autism. It just goes to show the beauty of what someone… Read more »
loved this first show, why the long wait until the next show? close running with fringe for 1st place
Dylan’s Mom, if that’s all you think the show is, you’ve missed the point of the show completely. From what I gather from your very few words, autism is a very real thing for you, and I myself have seen what a struggle it is to deal with from time to time. However, that’s not what the show is about. It’s about something much, much bigger. It’s about connections that are so obscure and so far flung that it takes a mind that thinks outside of the box to see them. Naturally, it wouldn’t be a far cry to have… Read more »
Great premier!! I’m loving this show already and can’t wait for. Kiefer is AMAZING as always. I do miss the “24” days oh so very much!