The winner of ABC’s reality show, True Beauty, was announced tonight. Unfortunately, the show’s ratings have been anything but beautiful. Will there be a second year?
True Beauty comes from executive producers Tyra Banks (America’s Next Top Model) and Ashton Kutcher (Punk’d). In the show, ten gorgeous contestants live together in a house in Los Angeles and take part in weekly modeling challenges. The players believe that they’re being judged on their looks but in fact their inner beauty is being secretly tested as well.
The attractive contestants are Julia Anderson, Chelsea Bush, Billy Jeffrey, Laura-Leigh, C.J. Miller, Ashley Michaelson, Joel Rush, Hadiyyah-lah Sa’id, Monique Santiago, and Ray Seitz. Judging them are host Vanessa Minnillo, model Cheryl Tiegs, and fashion expert Nol Marin.
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The TV show debuted on January 5th to 7.6 million viewers and a 3.2/8 rating/share of the 18-49 demographic. That put Beauty in second place for its timeslot with 87% retention out of The Bachelor.
The following week, Bachelor’s audience increased to 9.06 million (3.2/8) and Beauty dropped to 6.46 million (2.8/7). That trend essentially continued and, last week, Beauty lost 45% of its lead-in audience. For the one week that show aired without the Bachelor lead-in, Beauty dropped to a dismal 3.69 million and a 1.6/4 rating/share.
Tonight, Julia Anderson won the reality show competition. The pageant queen and magician’s assistant from Dallas won $100,000 in cash, a spot in People magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People issue, and the title of “America’s Most Beautiful Person.”
Based on the performance of this first season, ABC would have little reason to bring Beauty back for season two. Aside from that, the show’s concept has been exposed. Part of Beauty’s gimmick is that the contestants don’t know they’re being judged on inner beauty as well. Now that the show has aired, potential future contestants will already know the secret — unless producers are able to fool them into thinking they’re on another show.
Congratulations Julia. It looks likely you’re going to be the one and only winner of True Beauty.
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Images courtesy ABC.
I just fell in lav with Billy but was happy 4 Julia.I MISS RAY.
whaaaaaaaaaat ????
juliaaaaaaaaaaa ????
nooooooooooooooo .. must billy
I would like to be a contestant on “True Beauty” show. Kelly newkirk
Too bad it’s ratings were down. I kind of liked this show and Julie was a very likable and sincere person.
hi guys why do you need to be cancelled it is the best show i have every seen and the peple how want ture beauty to be cancelled but i’m sorr but if u want it to be cancelled then don’t go on this website people want to keep on watching ture beauty and yer so don’t go on this website then and i feel happy for julie for winning ture beatuy and i was going so yer. bye don’t cancell it.
I actually found myself loving this show, lol. & have to admit I was a big fan of Chelsea from the get go,
another series please!
C.J. and Chelsea were the two who should have made it to the finals because of their true inner beauty which was obvious from the beginning! The idea of the show was interesting until the judges mistakenly kept Misjudging!
show sucks big one
Cancel it
Who says they can’t do it again? Remember “The Joe Schmo Show”? To the only real contestant, it seemed like a straightforward “Real-World” type show (but all the other contestants were phonies). The second season pretended to be a dating/romance type show — which was just different enough so that the two real contestants didn’t recognize the premise.
Then there was “Joe Millionaire”. The second season recruited women contestants from Europe, so it was less likely that they had seen the first season, and wouldn’t know that the bachelor they were all competing for was actually poor, not a millionaire.
After the first episode aired I picked Julia as my winner. I felt of all the contestants that she has the most beautiful, natural appearance, and a down-to-earth, kind and genuine personality. Billy and CJ were top lookers but there is something about Julia. Then, when the inner beauty aspect was revealed I knew Julia was it. I don’t usually watch reality shows but I enjoyed True Beauty because of the message it intended to get across. There can’t be another show because the premise is known.
@KinKStar: You’re right. When the article was initially posted, we didn’t want to unintentionally spoil the outcome for anyone. Enough time has passed now so we’ve added a photo of Julia.
I missed this ending, so would have appreciated seeing which one was the winner . . . Why no picture provided here?