CBS has three new dramas to debut this fall season and tonight, they’re launching the first one — Unforgettable. With a title like that, it’s like the producers are just begging for sarcastic headlines and reviews. Unfortunately, many of the critics are all too happy to oblige.
Unforgettable revolves around Carrie Wells (Poppy Montgomery), a former police detective who can’t forget any details from her past — except important ones surrounding her sister’s long-ago murder. She’s tried to put her old job behind her but, when she consults on a homicide case, Carrie is unexpectedly reunited with her ex-boyfriend and partner, NYPD Detective Al Burns (Dylan Walsh) and his team (Michael Gaston, Kevin Rankin, and Daya Vaidya).
Here’s what the critics are saying about Unforgettable:
LA Times: “The dead little sister is haunting, but Montgomery is not. Carrie is sad to the point of mopey; she takes no joy in her talent nor does it torture her, as one imagines it would. She, like Walsh, is solid, but she needs to be driven, by something, by anything. Even their romantic chemistry is flat; they treat each other more like siblings than old flames.”
“Unfortunately, if you name a show Unforgettable you really need to deliver, and the pilot just doesn’t.”
NY Daily News: “While Unforgettable gives each character passing moments of dry humor, overall, it’s a darker show than Castle. Carrie carries her sadness more heavily, and this show doesn’t seem to have the extended comic riffs of Castle.”
“On the other hand, it uses New York better than Castle, since it’s actually shot here — mostly in Queens, where Carrie says ‘you can still get a one-bedroom for $1,200.’ Montgomery’s last gig on CBS, Without a Trace, lasted seven years. Unforgettable has a ways to go, but it’s got a lot of the right stuff.”
Hollywood Reporter: “Once called upon to remember every single important detail of a day or scene, Montgomery’s character basically goes mute and looks around in slow motion while the camera replays what we’ve already seen.”
“It’s a new kind of plodding — so slow, you are almost begging her to stay retired so you don’t have to witness her gifts in action again.”
Boston Globe: “Walsh, no doubt relieved to be freed of the late-period high jinks of Nip/Tuck, and Montgomery — playing Carrie toward the prickly, understandably know-it-all side — are fine as old lovers and partners negotiating new ground. Unfortunately, Unforgettable itself does very little of that.”
Salt Lake Tribune: “Yeah, it’s pretty hokey. But if you like procedurals — if you’re a fan of the various CSIs and NCISes and so on — you may well like this one. Walsh and Montgomery are both likable TV actors … although, even after seven years on Without a Trace, Montgomery’s Australian accent still pops through every once in a while. This show isn’t Unforgettable, but it’s decent entertainment.
AV Club: “A gimmicky cop show has to justify its gimmick, and the pilot for Unforgettable doesn’t do that. It could have easily told the same story without Carrie’s super-memory powers, which doesn’t bode well for future episodes. Neither does the back story of Carrie’s murdered sister, which promises to be doled out in such tedious, incremental fashion, no one could possibly care about whatever revelation awaits. Next patient, please.”
What do you think? Will you give Unforgettable a chance? Is it worth watching or should it be quickly cancelled?
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Image courtesy CBS.
Renew Unforgettable. It’s a good show getting better. Poppy Montgomery plays a real woman with a gift that at times overwhelms her, but she always picks up on the correct nuance or clue. The chemistry between she and Walsh is good, and the side plots with the rest of the cast involved is entertaining. Definitely a show worth renewal.
I think this is a great show! A good change from the usual fare in the cop realm.
Love Poppy and the rest of the cast.
Sure hope this program makes it!
I’m intrigued because the condition she has (ability to remember everything) is a real one albeit rare. On some talk show a couple of years ago (or more) when home sick probably saw a group of these people 5 or so including the great actress from Taxi who is I believe a co producer. They were all very very creative, interesting and remarkably well adjusted people. Nothing supernatural or weird but scientifically fascinating. I’ve only had time to catch half a show here and there and was about to treat myself and catch up online. Don’t now what possessed me… Read more »
I am really surpised they have not pulled the plug on this show. It is really bad.
Just another CSI look alike. With Bones, Castle, The Protector, Against the Wall, Rizzole and Isles, and ALL the CSI’s why another. They are all boring. Give me Manix, Magnum PI, and all the other more exciting cop shows. I’m sick and tired of pictures hanging on the wall and the talk of stomach contents and the so call comic jabs. These writers have have not come up with anything new for the last five years. One day all these shows will disappear and then we will be stuck with the darn reruns.
I liked this new side of Poppy Montgomery – a bit of craziness and fun. The show itself may be a bit thin and I expect will run out of gas. Lets give her a better vehicle, I think Poppy’s got rhe potential to carry a series, but I’m not sure this is it.
I like the show. I think Poppy Montgomery is very likeable and I think the show should
get a chance to develop. I’ll keep watching it.
Give the show a chance. Yes, she has a sadness to her … something that comes from the death of her sister that has haunted her her entire life! She did good portraying that! A lot of times the first show isn’t the best because it needs to set up the story. I think it has potential … don’t cancel it before it even gets going! People are SO CRITICAL!
Hard to tell with one episode. Need to give it a chance, love Poppy!
Who are you people???? Did you watch teh same show I watched? Give the show a chance. Very enjoyable!!!!
It was a little slow at first but let’s give it a chance. Sometimes the first show or two are slow but then it kicks butt. I plan on watching it. You never know with these shows! I will continue watching it every week.
I look fwd to watching it, I love Agent Spade too, but common, CBS, why put it at the old good wife slot? High hopes? Or giving it all up already? Not quite understand the network’s sentiment?
Dylan Walsh outshines the heroine. Nice to see a man comfortably showing some age (his face and, more, his neck) but Montgomery is almost expressionless; rather, she has 2 expressions. The show’s a bit hokey, actually, which is too bad–another one playing on Americans’ imbecilic attraction to the supernatural. There’s so VERY LITTLE on, or coming on this fall, worth watching on regular channel or basic cable TV. Sigh!
sad–great lady–bad script and direction
we love poppy montgomery–but we could not get beyond the first 19 minutes–
we endured it–again–we love her–but the show is not worth our time to watch.
we go to cbs for entertainment, mystery, news, etc. this show did not deliver from the
james and brenda hibbert