I’m glad they renewed Community. I wish they had done the same with Go On.
May 11, 2013 3:06 am
Uh, you did actually read the entire two-sentence story? Community has been renewed. My guess is that they want to get to 100 episodes so they can sell a syndication package.
May 10, 2013 11:28 pm
I hate NBC they ruined community and now they are giving it another season
melissa hester
May 10, 2013 9:18 pm
6 seasons and a movie! So glad for this renewal!!!
I am seriously going to be unhappy if they cancel Community. I don’t watch much television, as I find most of it to be rather tedious to sit through. Community is one of those rare gems that is actually entertaining.
There are only three programmes that I watch, and each of them seem to be suffering.
Moffat is slowly ruining Doctor Who (in my opinion), they’ve most likely delayed Sherlock until 2014, and now Community is possibly on the chopping block.
I am seriously considering not watching television at all.
Jeremy Rynek
May 10, 2013 8:50 pm
It’s so freaking unbelievable how stupid nbc is. Wow, I mean wow.
I’m glad they renewed Community. I wish they had done the same with Go On.
Uh, you did actually read the entire two-sentence story? Community has been renewed. My guess is that they want to get to 100 episodes so they can sell a syndication package.
I hate NBC they ruined community and now they are giving it another season
6 seasons and a movie! So glad for this renewal!!!
Hell Yeah!! #sixseasonsandamovie!!!
I am seriously going to be unhappy if they cancel Community. I don’t watch much television, as I find most of it to be rather tedious to sit through. Community is one of those rare gems that is actually entertaining.
There are only three programmes that I watch, and each of them seem to be suffering.
Moffat is slowly ruining Doctor Who (in my opinion), they’ve most likely delayed Sherlock until 2014, and now Community is possibly on the chopping block.
I am seriously considering not watching television at all.
It’s so freaking unbelievable how stupid nbc is. Wow, I mean wow.