Network: CBS
Episodes: 15 (hour)
Seasons: One
TV show dates: September 23, 2013 — January 6, 2014
Series status: Cancelled
Performers include: Toni Collette, Dylan McDermott, James Naughton, Rhys Coiro, Billy Brown, Sandrine Holt, Tate Donovan, Quinn Shephard, and Mateus Ward.
TV show description:
In this suspense drama, Doctor Ellen Sanders (Toni Collette) is a premiere surgeon who’s scheduled to operate on the President (James Naughton). She’s thrust into a political conspiracy when her family is taken hostage by a rogue FBI agent, Duncan Carlisle (Dylan McDermott). He orders her to assassinate the President by causing his death on the operating table.
Carlisle’s highly skilled accomplices include his brother-in-law Kramer (Rhys Coiro), whose loyalty to Carlisle will be tested; quick-tempered and intimidating Archer (Billy Brown), an ex-military man with a razor-sharp tongue; and the only woman involved, Sandrine (Sandrine Holt), a mysterious last-minute replacement to the team.
With Ellen’s family’s life in imminent danger, she faces an incomprehensible moral dilemma. Can she save her overbearing husband Brian (Tate Donovan), her secretive daughter Morgan (Quinn Shephard), and her not-so-innocent son Jake (Mateus Ward)?
Episode #15 — Endgame
On the day of the President’s surgery, the various plots are in motion. Just before the surgery begins, Ellen is cornered by the First Lady, who finally sees through Ellen’s lies about her husband’s condition and forces her to tell the truth about the assassination plot.
Ellen spills the secrets Kincaid has been keeping from his wife and she agrees to help get the bone marrow out of the hospital. Blair’s squad of hired terrorists move into position after passing themselves off as Secret Service agents, and they launch their diversionary attack just after Ellen nicks an artery during surgery.
Once Ellen is alone with the President and Logan, she gives Logan a sedative, extracts the bone marrow, and prevents the President from bleeding out on the operating table. Once the terrorist threat is subdued, Ellen takes the bone marrow to Nina, who accepts it and apologizes for everything Duncan did to her family.
Meanwhile, Duncan schemes with Vanessa to outwit Blair and free his family. He corners Blair at gunpoint at a fundraising banquet and demands that Blair’s men release Nina and Sawyer.
Once they’ve been released, Blair lashes out, forcing Duncan to shoot and kill him. Duncan then confronts Archer, who has captured the rest of the Sanders family and demands payment for his services.
The two battle in a brutal fistfight with Archer coming out on top, but Kramer arrives just in time to save Duncan and kill Archer.
Duncan then reunites with Nina and Sawyer briefly, saying goodbye before turning himself in to the police for his actions.
First aired: January 6, 2014.
What do you think? Do you like the sound of the Hostages TV series? Do you think it should have been cancelled or renewed for a second season?
This show was cool and would have loved to have season 2
This showed should have NEVER been cancelled without providing the viewers more closure in regards to how the only season ended
Omg why is cancelled I love this show please make season 2 I love it
Just as I get interested in a show they cancel it. I hate that!
Did ALL of you WATCH up to and including episode 15. The producers of the show knew IN ADVANCE it wasn’t being renewed SO they RESOLVED the entire situation. There CANT be another season regardless; the point is moot. McDermott turned himself in; the President is safe…end of story! I DVR’d ep 15 in HD and am saving it
The producers didn’t work the showay out properly then,..We really loved the show, we are left in suspense
Wished there was a second series I enjoyed it
Very sorry a Hostages tv show was cancelled. Great show I really enjoyed.
Please renew!!!!!
STALKER on CBS at 10 PM (?) is a GREAT Show with MdDemott (SP?)
MAYBE even *better* than hostages was.
REMEMBER… _HOSTAGES_ WAS RESOLVED in the final episode; watch it on CBS on demand again.
I find most of the coments kind of STRANGE. The writers for _HOSTAGES_ KNEW the season was a one and done deal. The last episode which I still have saved on my DVR wrapped up the entire storyline. WERE _Hostages_ to be renewed it would need an entirely differnt storyline and I find that near impossible. Watch _STALKER_ with Mc Dermott; he is the bomb as an actor as far as I am am concerned…once again *something* to watch…adult (drama) show Wed nites!
This was an awesome show! Bring it back!!!
Hostages should not have been canceled. Hostages was a action packed television show that had good ratings. There is no good reason why it was canceled.
I actually really like that it was a one season show. If they tried to carry it further, it really would have gotten ridiculous or stale. It’s best left as it is.
I want a season 2 hostages its such a great show.