Last season, NBC found success in the ratings with This Is Us and some other scripted series. Many other new TV shows were cancelled. Which TV shows will be cancelled or renewed during the 2017-18 season? Stay tuned.
NBC shows this season (so far): American Ninja Warrior, America’s Got Talent, AP Bio, Better Late Than Never, The Blacklist, The Brave, Champions, Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Chicago PD, Dateline NBC, Ellen’s Game of Games, Genius Junior, Good Girls, The Good Place, Great News, Law & Order True Crime, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Little Big Shots, Making It, Marlon, Running Wild w/ Bear Grylls, Rise, Shades of Blue, Superstore, This Is Us, Timeless, Trial & Error, The Voice, The Wall, Will & Grace, and World of Dance.
There’s lots of data that NBC execs look at when deciding whether to renew or cancel a TV series but the ratings are typically the biggest piece. Here’s how the network’s shows are doing.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also see them here and here.
A couple of notes about these charts:
These figures are updated automatically as new ratings are released. The averages are based on the final national numbers (live plus same day viewing), unless marked with an asterisk (*). For technical reasons, I have to resort them manually so feel free to let me know if I missed something.
Keep in mind that the demo numbers are typically what’s most important to advertisers. Therefore, that’s how the networks measure success. Advertisers pay more for ad time on a show that has a higher demo rating. Because older viewers don’t count? No, it’s because younger viewers watch less traditional TV and are harder to reach.
Demo numbers are typically reported using the 10ths decimal place (2.4, for example). In the averages, I’m using an extra decimal for easier ranking. The networks take into account when shows air on Fridays and Saturdays, nights when TV viewership is lower.
What do you think? Which shows are you rooting for? Which one isn’t as big a hit as you thought? Are you hoping any series will get cancelled to make way for something else?
Why is Timeless standing as cancelled? It is renewed for a two-part series final in december
Trial and error is the best comedy i’ve Seen in many years. It’s laugh out loud funny. Want to see more
When will NBC go off the air? With the only news being covered is negative things about Trump ow londo do you think before more people just shut them off?
Why cancel The Brave it did better than ones you renewed and everyone loves it
That was exactly what I was just thinking “LMB” I do not understand whay they cancelled The Brave according to the Ratings they have listed above it did a lot better than quite a few that they actually did renew! NBC you are idiots plain and simple! You announced you were cancelling The Brave after 1 dang Episode because of Low Ratings correct ? Well what is up with these Statistics Listed here man! This was a good show, you should’ve given it a chance at least & you should’ve at least given us an honest reason for it being… Read more »
Please renew the Blacklist