Could the clock be running out on Jack Bauer and company? Rumors are rapidly spreading that this could indeed be the final season of 24.
In approximately real time, 24 follows the exploits of heroic (and frequently tortured) Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) as he tries to save the country from all manner of terrorism. The current season features Mary Lynn Rajskub, Anil Kapoor, Annie Wersching, Cherry Jones, Chris Diamantopoulos, Freddie Prinze Jr., Jennifer Westfeldt, John Boyd, Katee Sackhoff, and Mykelti Williamson.
Once a huge ratings draw for FOX, viewership for 24 has declined over the years. At the same time, costs have risen. This season’s averaging a 3.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 9.83 million viewers.
Word is that FOX is preparing to end the veteran drama and the decision will be made in the next few days. Kevin Reilly, FOX’s President of Entertainment, has been unsure of the show’s future for awhile and as recently as last week said, “It’s a very tough call. It’s a huge part of our legacy, and there’s not a lot of shows that could do a 9 share against the Olympics. Tremendous sales asset for us still; a show we’re so very proud of creatively. So it’s not an easy call.”
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The studio is supposedly shopping the series to other outlets to see if there would be any interest. Considering the price and the age of the series, a move like that doesn’t seem likely.
THR recently mentioned the prospect to Angela Bromstad, NBC’s President of Primetime Entertainment. She didn’t feel it was likely given the cost but didn’t rule out the possibility either.
If 24 closes after eight seasons, fans can take consolation that the characters will, as expected, continue in movie form. Twentieth Century Fox recently hired screenwriter Billy Ray to write a feature film version. According to Variety, his idea is to take Jack Bauer to Europe. That idea is apparently already a hit with the executive producers and the studio.
If this is indeed the final season of 24, the studio likely wants to have enough time to promote the rest of this season as the final episodes of the season. It would also give the production team enough time to tweak the final episodes if needed.
What do you think? Do you think 24 will end this season or do you think that it could realistically move to another network?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Please keep 24 on the air. Please! I look forward to spending my Monday nights with Jack Baurer and CTU. Please reconsider. 24 is still the best, most timely show on television. Everyone that I know loves 24 and wants it to stay on the air. Again, please keep 24 on the air. If necessary, let NBC or some other network handle the show. It is a great show! Keep it going! Please!
Please reconsider cancelling 24. I think it is one of the most exciting shows on TV. I have not missed a Monday night with 24 since it started. It keeps you on the edge of your seat every minute. There are a lot of reality and useless talk shows that should be cancelled instead of 24. I sure hope you reconsider.
I am a devoted watcher. I love the intensity and suspense. Please keep this show on–10 seasons sounds good to me.
This is the only show that I watch on TV. It is the BEST SHOW ON ANY NETWORK!!! I cannot believe that they would consider cancelling this show. I have been hooked since the first season and everyone that I talk to agrees they are hooked by the first few minutes. It keeps you on the edge of your seat each and every week. I hope they reconsider this decision.
i have never stopped watching 24. i got alot of people to watch the best show ever. my sister and brother also joined. the one thing we have in common is Tony Almeida was close to our heart like family because our maiden name is Almeida. the difference is in California pronunciation sound is different than in the east coast. love all the actin also the actors are great please do not end this series. their is no better show on thats keeps interest for watching tv. jack is the man
Once political correctness started driving characters and plots, the show was doomed. Probably the straw the broke the camel’s back was one of the worst casting decisions in the history of television when Jeanine Garrafolo was made a member of CTU in combination with blue eyed white men being cast as villains.
Well it’s official; this is the final season that ends this May.
They claim that the ratings dropped 16% from last year and that’s why they are cancelling the show.
But I still believe that politics had a role in this because they did the same thing with a show called the Agency years ago and the Unit.
But who really knows because you can’t believe everything you read.
I will be looking forward to their movie and sequels if they go ahead with it.
I was so disappointed when I heard that “24” might be cancelled after this season. I love “24” and definitely don’t want it to end this year! It is extremely exciting and I look forward to each and every episode. The show has so much action with many twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat. Please do everything you can to keep “24” alive!!!
24 is the best tv show ever. It is so well written and so well acted. I don’t think they can ever top it. I am so sad it is ending. There will be nothing to look forward to on Monday nights. I wish it could stay on forever.
Learn from Michael Jordan’s mistake who retired on a high, then came back and was rubbish, then faded away into obscurity. In a nutshell: quit while at the top of your game – the same goes for 24. Yes, we all moan and say keep it on the air, but in 20 years from now when it is still running and called 24: The College Years, we will be moaning still about how the networks don’t know when to quit when they’re ahead. Put Jack to rest now, he had a good run
I think the show should continue.. Even with viewship down it is a legacy..
NOOOOOOO! Tell me it isn’t so!
I believe that it will stay, but where ever 24 lands, I’ll be there.
If they didn’t stay off the air as long as they did, maybe they wouldn’t have this problem, or is political!
You make a couple of very good points. You may well be right on target. I would like to see re-runs, during the off season, or episodes from past seasons, like the network did, a couple of years ago, and like they had done with other popular television shows, like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I also agree that there is a political motive behind the possible cancellation. With the present White House Administrations’ policy of ” be kind to terrorists”, the show is quite possibly hacking off some of the White Houses’ political hooligans. I hope my comments don’t offend… Read more »
For those folks who say that this season leaves thenm cold, they should put on a sweater. the last few episodes were a thrill rid and a half. Last nights’ episode was awsome! It was as exciting as it gets! This season is heating up to a boiling point. is is as exciting as previous seasons- even more so. “24” deserves to go on for another season, at least. This season and season 9 need to go out with a bang, and when the series does eventually end, it needs to end on a high note. Jack Bauer needs to… Read more »
A men to that
I agree. It is the best show on television. This season has been getting really good. The last few weeks have been great – where I can hardly wait until next weeks’s episode. I’m going to make calls to fox – it’s the best show – Keifer is great as Jack. I love it when he’s strong and in command. Jack is the best.
I’m calling – we need the clock to KEEP TICKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last year’s season of 24 was great! This year is leaving me cold. I say make it (24) the last year and move it to movie form.