Aftermath TV show cancelled after one season on Syfy and Space. Pictured: James Tupper as Joshua Copeland, Louis Ferreira as Bob “Moondog” Black. (Photo by: Eike Schroter / Aftermath ULC / Syfy.)
While doomsday meteors, mass vanishings, demonic possessions, and serpent gods couldn’t stop the Copeland family, no one is immune to the network TV Powers That Be. The Aftermath TV show on Syfy has been cancelled after its first and only season.
Star James Tupper broke the news that there would be no Aftermath season two, on Twitter. Halfire Entertainment produced the post-apocalyptic sci-fi drama in association with Syfy and Canada’s Space channel. Anne Heche, Julia Sarah Stone, Taylor Hickson, and Levi Meaden also starred.
James Tupper Announces Space and Syfy Have Cancelled Aftermath After One Season
So sad to report #Aftermath will not be getting a second season. #sobummed
— James Tupper (@MrJamesTupper) January 12, 2017
Aftermath Season One Ratings | Syfy
In the US, Aftermath premiered on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 with a 0.16 rating in the 18-49 year old demographic and 634,000 viewers. While the series never really built on that audience, it did manage to maintain it.
Overall, the first season of Aftermath averaged a 0.16 in the demo and drew an average total audience of 594,000 viewers.
Those numbers currently put Aftermath right in the middle of Syfy’s slate. Out of the 15 Syfy TV shows we have been tracking in to 2016-17 television season, Aftermath ranks seventh, when we sort by either demo ratings or average total audience size.
Although it is a bit of a surprise to see a cable channel cancel a middle-of-the-pack TV series, remember, Aftermath is a Syfy-Space co-production. In other words, the decision was not only Syfy’s to make.
That said, in the recent past, Syfy has cancelled shows that earned better ratings in both measures. When the cable channel cancelled Defiance after three seasons, it was averaging a 0.25 and 1.125 million, respectively. Similarly, Dominion, which was cancelled after two seasons on Syfy, averaged a 0.25 in the demo and 869,000 total viewers.

Aftermath TV show cancelled; no season two on Syfy and Space. Pictured: Louis Ferreira as Bob “Moondog” Black, James Tupper as Joshua Copeland, Julia Sarah Stone as Dana Copeland. (Photo by: Eike Schroter / Aftermath ULC / Syfy.)
Finally, what do you think? Did you watch the first season of the Aftermath TV show? Do you think Syfy and Space should have cancelled or renewed it for a second season? Let us know, below.
This show wasn’t as great as Dominon or Defiance but I still hate to see it go. Every Syfy show I get into gets cancelled but yet shows like Izombie & ZNation keep going???? Really??? Whoever makes these decisions needs to definitely get another job!!!!
Syfy, you really let people down, I pay for cable TV (costly) for just a few channels, MAINLY the SyFy Channel! Just when you produce an intriguing, entertaining and not the run of the mill show you cancel it. You should give this show another season!!!
I really think they should have given this show at least one more season! I really enjoyed the plot and tes nothing else like it on cable! Shame on you SyFy…
Why are people asking for closure. It’s make believe, so make up any ending you want. It really was a dreadful show. Tried a few episodes – so painful. We love science fiction. This was just crappy.
I agree The dialogue was amazingly embarrassing quite often. The reasoning of why characters did what the did was so lame . The way they were always running away from each other to create drama of finding each other …….cheesy and uncreative The runaway daughter’s constant screeching at everything….bad acting that was hard to watch but also so irritating as hell. I ended up watching season one because I was sick in bed but I had to fast forward through a lot of it because of the reasons above. The. Writing, Directing and consequently the acting, got much better in… Read more »
the point is to watch and see what happens not watch half of it and then make up whatever you want
We loved this show, taped it on dvr and looked forward to it every week. Very disappointed
this show was great they r wrong not to make a second season
Loved the show. Loved how it was quirky. Also suspenseful. Need more shows like this. Will miss the dynamics between the characters.
This is becoming unbearable! First “Hunters” now one of the best twists on “End of world shows ever”! I absolutely loved this series. Loved the way they did it. Incorporating mythologies from the world over! Please Someone pic this up, even if it is just on the Internet!
Do these post mean anything? Does anyone listen? Or care?
No. I’d guess they don’t even know they exist or care. Seems that way.
I liked the show. I also watched Defiance. I believe who ever is cancelling some of these shows need a different job and need to be replaced. I could say a lot more but I want.
Yes this blows it was a good show and now they just axed it like Firefly
Amazing. SYFY actually cancelled a show that finished with a rating between a 0.20 and a 0.10 I don’t need to say how awful those type of ratings are, do I? Anyway, it isn’t all on SYFY Their partner in making the show didn’t want to bring it back either.
I’m getting really tired of you worthymagic. Most folks here just want to see a show and you rant on and on about ratings. You don’t seem like a viewer more like one of the executives in charge of these stations. Uh!
So you are a Ratings Don’t Matter person, and I am a Ratings Do Matter person. Plenty of shows I like with ratings that make these ratings look ridiculous get cancelled. Should shows with practically no viewers stay on the air? Plenty of shows I like with more viewers than this get taken off the air. Why should this survive? SYFY renewed 6 shows last season with pathetically awful ratings. Everyone of them deserved to be cancelled.
Shannara chonicles was never advertised that i saw, it changed from mtv to spike. I kept looking for it on the original channel. Maybe if they had notified through commericsls or trailers or something that it was moving to spike the ratings would of been better. The 2 season was almost over before i knew it returned. No one knew it returned to another channel i would think that would be an important messsge not everyone lives on the internet.
All kinds of rubbish still being made that shouldn’t have been but it’s the individual that matters! I’ve just found the series a year late! So ratings of 600,000 are probably a vast underestimate!
I didn’t watch it but still don’t like the Channel much anymore. The last show I watched on here was Defiance and they cancelled it also
Binge-watched the whole first season.. this sucks. I really wanted to see an ending even if it only reached a second season. Word of mouth is how these tv shows get better ratings along with advertisements. I live in NYC and have never seen an ad on this TV show.. found it on demand 1 week after the last episode aired. The CG effects on episode three made me not want to watch anymore but I’m the type to finish what I’ve started. By the fifth episode, I couldn’t get enough of it. Really wish they’d reconsider a second season.
I agree me and my whole family just sat this past week and watched the whole season and was ready for part two now I find this it was a really awesome show we need a ending u at least could give us that
Well. I was afraid of that.
They cancel Alphas with no ending I gave up on Syfy channel. They just left it as everyone is dead the end. I know I know they don’t care about the audience
Wow! SYFY actually cancelled a show that didn’t have ratings over a 0.20
I cannot believe they cancelled Aftermath. It had the makings to be a really great, really different show. Instead they renewed the Channel Cove garbage – hard to follow story and plot line, ineffectual characters, and creepy kids. SyFy should have kept Aftermath and lost Channel Cove instead. And once again, they leave us hanging with no closure to the series. Really getting tired of buying into SyFy weekly shows because they keep doing this. Aftermath was the first show I made it a point to watch since they cancelled Helix – which I really liked. It may be another… Read more »
So disappointed in SyFY.. That was the best show I saw so far for years…