The FOX network had great success with their Prison Break series for four years. They’ve now introduced a new TV show that revolves around Alcatraz, the most famous penitentiary in the United States. Will Alcatraz run for years or will it be quickly cancelled instead?
The Alcatraz series begins with the following statement: “On March 21st, 1963, Alcatraz officially closed. All the prisoners were transferred off the island. Only that’s not what happened. Not at all.” It turns out that every prisoner in the facility mysteriously vanished and they start reappearing nearly 50 years later, looking just the same.
FBI Agent Emerson Hauser (Sam Neill), Detective Rebecca Madsen (Sarah Jones), and Alcatraz expert “Doc” Soto (Jorge Garcia) work together to capture the felons and try to uncover where they’ve been. Others in the cast include Jonny Coyne, Parminder Nagra, Santiago Cabrera, Jason Butler Harner, and Robert Forster.
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The FOX series debuted last Monday with a pair of episodes that averaged a 3.3 in the all-important 18-49 demographic and 10.05 million total viewers. It was the best series premiere that FOX has had this season. What’s more, there seemed to be very little erosion as the two hours progressed, a good indication that those viewers would return the next week.
And they did. It’s not uncommon to see the numbers slip by 15-20% in the second week but Alcatraz only dropped 9% in the demo and about the same in total viewers. Last night’s episode drew a 3.0 in the demographic with 9.03 million.
The show is currently averaging a 3.2 rating in the demo and 9.71 million total viewers. It’s the sixth highest rated scripted series on the network this season (out of 16) and registers a “B” on our FOX report card. It’s outperforming venerable shows like House and Bones and freshman shows like Terra Nova and The Finder.
Unless the ratings continue to fall, it looks like Alcatraz will be around for awhile — hopefully long enough for the mystery to be solved in a satisfying way.
But, what do you think? Do you like Alcatraz? Is it worth watching week after week? Do you think it should be renewed for a second season or cancelled?
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Image courtesy FOX.
I had only seen previws but never watched but recorded it…..I think it is a great show because it makes you think…….unlike American Idol…which is really silly!
They need to keep the show love the mystery leaves you hanging and wanting more…. So please do not cancel the show…. Love it………………..
love the show,please dont cancel
Please keep the show. Great story line, great attention to detail between the present and the past, great everything.Awesome show!
Great show keeps you wanting more, week after week
Please keep this show! It’s intriguing and has an original plot compared to most!!!!!!
The problem is that people don’t want to get into shows that have rumors of cancellations attached to them. Why invest the time into a series that you know is not going to last the season? Stop with all the cancellation talk regarding any series and I’m sure you’ll have more viewers.
keep it keep it keep it keep it keep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=] =] =] =] = ]
plz plz plz plz plz save this showwww!!!!!
I absolutely love this snow! It keeps me hanging week after week, it definitely stands out from all the other shows that are on these days· I think it has a great combination of mystery and action and it looks like its starting to up· In my opinion it is definitely a KEEPER!
i absolutey love this show too. my sister and i r going to be very very sad if it canceled!!!! in my opinion it is definitly a KEEPER FOREVER!!!! plz help us save this tv show……..this tv show is about crime,mystery,action,cant wait to see the next show!!! plz save alcatraz. thanks!! :]
i cant do old out dated creature of the week stuff that was played out like almost 2 decades ago, the industry has become stagnant and stale and what they broadcast shows, Major network TV is for the easy entertained and the sheep masses, Go Cable if you want to be in this Centuries viewing pleasure IMO!
like the show .like the intrigue about it.the actors in the show are very good.,bet you they cancel this show.the reason is ,they dont want you to use your imigination or your brain.lets leave shows like raising hope ,stupid comedy well enough said
ok listen up corey!!!!!! i love this show and plz do not make them cancel it!!!!
This show has potential, but I disagree with the previous post. Sam Neill is a horrible actor, or at least in this role. The show would fair better if they replaced him. Sarah Jones is great in her role and is by far hotter then Kara Thrace. Both actresses have blond hair, but that seems to be the only thing in common. Conclusion, Dump Sam Neill and you have a winner, as long as you don’t mess up the ending.
i like Sam Neil and think hes a good actor. he ties this show together!
I tried watching it, but I’m not really into it. I guess it’s starting off how Lost did and will find itself later. My only problem with it is the cast. I just don’t like them. Sam Neil is a good actor, but he just seems like he doesn’t know what to do when he’s at Alcatraz but when he shot the guy in the hand, I said to myself that, “maybe it won’t be that bad.” All in all, I might just watch it but I don’t have an overwhelming desire to do so. Person of Interest is a… Read more »