When Alcatraz debuted, it looked like the show had a very good chance at being renewed for a second season. But how do things look now? Will the TV series be cancelled after all?
Alcatraz follows police detective Rebecca Madsen (Sarah Jones) and Dr. Diego Soto (Jorge Garcia) as they try to solve the mystery of how 340 prison inmates and guards disappeared in 1963 and are now reappearing in modern day. The cast also includes Jonny Coyne, Parminder Nagra, Jason Butler Harner, and Sam Neill.
The TV show debuted with a solid 3.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 10.05 million total viewers. In week two, the demo slipped 9% to a still respectable 3.0 rating with 9.03 million. New shows typically fall 15-20% in their second week so this was a good sign. Week three dropped another 7%. That wasn’t positive but not horrible either.
Unfortunately, the ratings have just kept falling. In February, NBC kicked off the second season of The Voice and Alcaraz took a big hit, dropping 18% on February 6th and then another 17% on the 13th. And the numbers just keep going down. Last week’s episode was a series low with a 2.1 in the demo.
For the first time in many years, the big networks all have really strong programming on Monday nights and FOX has ended up on the bottom. House, which is in its final season, keeps dropping and so does Alcatraz.
Alcatraz’s season average is currently a 2.3 in the demo with 7.1 million. On our FOX report card — which ranks the network’s shows based on demo averages — Alcatraz has a “C.” Terra Nova, which has already been cancelled, had a better demo average and has a “C+”. When a show that was performing better than yours has been cancelled, that’s not a good sign.
Alcatraz is definitely on the bubble but, in light of the downward ratings trend, I expect it to be cancelled by May. There’s just no reason to expect that the series will do any better if given a second season.
But, what do you think? Do you think Alcatraz will beat the odds and be renewed for a second season? Should it be cancelled?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Please keep Alcatraz!!! So many stupid shows get kept for years and great shows like Alcatraz get cancelled!!! Please please keep it!
Love this show it has keep my full attention all of the episodes. I havent missed a single one. Please don’t let this wonderful show become another Firefly. Please give us a second season.
If Alcatraz gets cancelled, then those responsible will be banished to Alcatraz!
I for one really love to watch Alcatraz on monday nites. I’ve watched it from the begining. Please keep it going for another season!!
Please keep this show going! I think it is great and I think the last three episodes have been the best. Just watched the finale & now I am hanging on the edge of my seat.
Alcatraz is a captivating, well-acted show that deserves a second shot in a better time slot. I really was enjoying it but it is up against popular, established shows. I had to make a choice after the third episode aired, and was already very committed to the competition. PLEASE change the time slot to a less competitive one and renew for @ least 10 episodes.
Terri P
Networks need to give TV shows a shot. Cheers was one of the best sitcoms of all times and it started out with dismal ratings. NBC killed two awesome series as well with The Black Donnellys and Journeyman. Give it time to develop.
Networks need to give TV shows a shot. Cheers was one of the best sitcoms of all times and it started out with dismal ratings. NBC killed two awesome series as well with The Black Donnellys and Journeyman. Give it time to develop.
Alcatraz is one of the best shows on tv, please don’t cancel this. I love dark dramas, like X-Files, growing up the twilight zone was the best, and there’s not much on tv that can compare to that except shows like Alcatraz, Grimm! Please the voice can’t even compare, years from now they won’t be showing that in re-runs, but dark dramas can live on, Outer Limits, Dark shadows… Wake up and smell the suspense!!!
Bring this show back! I can’t wait until next season! It deserves a season 2!!
I don’t watch The Voice. Save Alcatraz.
Although drawn out to long, final 2 hrs definitely earned season 2!
Best new show , deserves a second season
one of the best new shows this season. deserves another year.
Very much agree. Desrves another season.
Please i am still pissed the event went wacky and got cancelled. Please keep Alcatraz!
Yes, I’m mad they canceled “The Event” too, we were suppose to get mini episodes on another network or a move, but we never heard anything of for awhile, so maybe it’s been put on the back burner for awhile.