Allen Gregory may have a grandiose opinion of himself but his animated series just couldn’t cut it. The low-rated TV series has been officially cancelled.
At the FOX portion of the TCA Winter Press Tour, FOX Entertainment President Kevin Reilly confirmed what we’d long suspected. He said simply, “We will not be making any more Allen Gregory.” The network will however continue to work with the show’s star and co-creator, Jonah Hill, noting that he already has a live-action comedy in the works with the network.
Featuring the voices of Hill, French Stewart, Nat Faxon, Joy Osmanski, Christina Puccelli, Jake Johnson and Renee Taylor, Allen Gregory debuted at the end of October to soft ratings. Viewership dropped as the weeks progressed and the animated sitcom quickly became one of the lowest-rated scripted series on FOX.
The network had initially ordered just seven installments and, even though episodes of animated shows require more lead time to produce, they made no indication that they were planning to order any more.
The last episode of Allen Gregory aired on December 18th, surrounded by repeats of other FOX shows, and hit a new series low in the ratings.
What do you think? Are you sorry that Allen Gregory won’t be back for a second season? Did the creative team go too far with the show or not far enough?
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Image courtesy FOX.
It’s back.
Sorry but it’s not real.
WTF they cancell Allen Gregory but not Bobs burgers?!?!
its a bunch of STUCK UP IDIOTS with no sense of humor. Allen Gregory was really funny. i guess people are just still ignorant and close minded and arent readyfor a gay dad cartoon with a gay son. That show was 1 of the best bring it back! of not then cancell BOBS BURGER ASAP!
Good riddance. The character was arrogant and selfish, not to mention totally unrelatable. Bob’s Burgers fits much better into the lineup and has a stellar cast of voice talent, most notably H. Jon Benjamin.
That’s point you freaking dumbass, he is supposed to be selfish and arrogant that’s why it’s funny or do you have a stick up you ass so you can’t enjoy the jokes?
I loved allen gregory it was so funny i always liked fam guy and american dad but somethin about aleen gregory swept me away i loved it andhats why i took the time to google and see what was up with it but i kinda figured it was gone they should really reconsider and really bobs freakin burgers made it longer??? What a messed up world that show sucks theres nothin funny about stupidity i will not proceed further with anythin jonah hill ends up doin i liked him but the more i read on him the more concited hes… Read more »
My husband and I loved Allen Gregory!! I thought it was a very clever plot, and the character of A.G. was something new and fresh to Television> Please Bring the show back!!!
I hated the pilot for this show, but liked all of the episodes after that. My partner and I were just talking the other day about how we haven’t seen the show lately. It’s a bummer to find out that it has been cancelled. I hope that they do renew it.
I was iffy about Allen Gregory. I didn’t hate it but I wasn’t in love. Obviously because I didn’t it’d been cancelled until right now. I was looking for it on OnDemand a few days ago and couldn’t find so I moved on w/ my life and just remembered this morning so I went to to watch any I’d missed and it wasn’t there either. The only reason I googled it is because I’m a curious little kitten. But I’ll live with the fact that it’s cancelled. DON’T CANCEL BOB’S BURGERS! I love that show. The youngest daughter brightens… Read more »
I loved allen gregory! It was hilarious, please please bring it back!
“I don’t understand why this show was cancelled.”
I hate it and don’t know why it was picked-up to started with. Smart move fox, now please get rid of Bob’s burgers. Worst animation ever along with no writing.
It sucks how allen gregory was canceled but bob’s burgers was renewed…I really think that producers of the show couldve done more I think it was the right show at the wrong time I mean look at family guy it was canceled and brought back and the comedy of family guy is crude but funny I wish someone would bring back allen gregory
I don’t understand why this show was cancelled. I absolutely LOVED this show and I thought it was GREAT and hilarious. Very stupid of FOX to cancel this show…..
This show is hot, by far the funniest thing that has on tv in a long time. Let’s get real Family Guy and the rest of the shows has lost their edge a tad bit. Do not get me wrong I am a huge Family Guy fan (freaking love Stewie). However, their jokes are getting more ridiculous and extenuous by the episode. The writers are basically coming up with new episodes but reusing their old jokes. Allen Gregory was a sophistiscated laugh for adults. Plus, they never offend any nationality. I understand it’s a cartoon but sometimes the other shows… Read more »
i liked the show, it was funny, ridiculous and different. Some of the things that happen were just funny cause they were not plausible