Last Monday night, ABC aired the three-hour finale of Bachelor Pad, the show for former contestants of the network’s reality series, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Last season’s ratings weren’t great but ABC renewed it. Were this season’s numbers any better or did ABC make a mistake by giving Bachelor Pad a second chance?
The first season of Bachelor Pad averaged a 2.0 rating and 5.88 million viewers for six episodes. Those numbers weren’t stellar but, considering the show aired during the summer months when viewership is lower, they were respectable.
This summer, ABC aired a ton of new reality programming and Bachelor Pad held its own. Out of the 10 “alternative series” (news, reality, or game shows), Bachelor Pad ranked third, well behind The Bachelorette and just behind Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.
The second season of Bachelor Pad, which wrapped last week, averaged a 2.0 in the 18-49 demographic and 6.39 million total viewers, a marked improvement in total viewers. Love it or hate it, Bachelor Pad will almost certainly return for a third season.
What do you think? Would you watch a third season of Bachelor Pad or would you prefer that the show be cancelled?
Image courtesy ABC.
I will definately be watching! Bring Wes back!
i will definitley watch BachelorPad3!! love all ABC shows of Bachelor/bachelorette/BachelorPad! i skip homework for these things!
I will definitely watch a third season of ‘Bachelor Pad’….am devoted to Bachelor and Bachlorette….hope springs eternal that love will endore