Like any network, ABC goes through a lot of TV shows in a season. While some remain on the air for the whole season, others come and go pretty quickly and are largely forgotten.
Here’s a listing of shows with their current status. This list encompasses shows that have aired from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.
We’ll keep updating the list throughout the May upfronts when decisions are made about most of the shows’ fates. Keep checking back, especially if your favorite is still on the fence.
NOTE: Click here to see more recent vesions of this list.
Here are listings for the other networks: CBS | The CW | FOX | NBC
America’s Funniest Home Videos: Back for year 21!
The Bachelor / The Bachelorette: Returning May 24th.
Brothers & Sisters: Renewed for season five.
Castle: Returning for season three.
Cougar Town: Will be back for season two.
Dancing with the Stars: The “stars” will keep dancing.
Dating in the Dark: Returning for season two on August 9th.
Desperate Housewives: Still on Sunday nights.
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition: Lots more houses to build.
Grey’s Anatomy: More medical drama on the way.
Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution: Coming back for season two.
The Middle: Set to return for season two.
Modern Family: Coming back for its sophomore year.
Private Practice: Following Grey’s this fall.
Shaq VS: Season two starts August 10th.
Shark Tank: Renewed for a seven episode second season.
Supernanny: Renewed for season seven. Seems unlikely to keep going.
True Beauty: Returning May 31st for season two.
V: Renewed for second season.
Wipeout: Back for season three on June 1st.
Not renewed or cancelled
Wife Swap: Still airing, could go either way.
Cancelled (or ending)
Better Off Ted: Gone after two seasons, two unaired episodes.
The Deep End: Cut down after one season, still one unaired episode.
Defying Gravity: Five unaired episodes are included on the DVD set.
Eastwick: Cancelled, descriptions for two unaired episodes are here & here.
Find My Family: No more reunions.
FlashForward: Ending May 27th. No season two.
the forgotten: The finale aired but there are still two unaired episodes.
The Goode Family: Cancelled in August, reruns landed on Comedy Central.
Hank: Cancelled last year, five unaired episodes.
Happy Town: Remaining episodes return in June.
Lost: As if you don’t know already, the big series finale airs May 23rd.
Romantically Challenged: Officially cancelled. No word on when/if rest of episodes will air.
Scrubs: After eight seasons, finally gone.
The Superstars: Celebs & athletes, cut after one season.
Surviving Suburbia: Ended after one season.
Ugly Betty: Series finale aired April 14th. No season five.
What do you think? Any news that makes you particularly happy or sad? When compared to other networks, is ABC better or worse about cancelling shows?
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Images courtesy ABC.
Just finished watching whole series of flashfoward had to hire it as we in country Western Australia only got a few episodes on tv then it just disappeared Now i found out that its been cancelled typical isnt it, the minute something watchable comes along something that starts your brain ticking and bamm back to im to fat for my car or watch me teach you how to talk to your cat, dog ,turtle,ferett reality dribble Im very disappointed.
I am sooooo disappointed! I cannot beleive that you took off Ugly Betty! I am so tired of flipping channels to all of the rediculous reality shows. I mean, we live in reality, what does it hurt to have a little fiction for Pete’s sake! All of the good shows are gone! Well, I have been meaning to pick up a good book again. Rest assured, I will not be spending my time watching tv!
I can’t believe Happytown got cancelled, it was my favorite show! ABC didn”t even promote it, give it a chance, or even show all the episodes on television. There is no excuse for cancelling it. It scares me how television will have nothing but reality shows in 5 years, instead of having good shows will well written plots and good acting.
I hardly ever watch tv anymore because there is truly nothing to watch. I did enjoy “Better Off Ted”. It was well written, well acted and different from the total mindless junk that passes for entertainment now days. It was too good for TV so I’m really not surprised that it won’t get a chance for a Season 3 comeback.
I have followed ugly Betty from the beginning and when I found out it was going to be discontinued I felt let down the last episodes I THINK leave you at a cross roads as Amanda has finally found her father and daniel has left mode and moved to london it would have been great to see a relationship develop between daniel and betty and see amanda realise her dreams of having her father around
Rubicon is such a smart program. I guess too smart for Americans.
tv is dying, reality show killed it.
Television series are designed for the Idiocracy of the United States….. anything vaguely cerebral is cancelled.
what?? FLASH FORWARD!!!!! NOOOO!!!!
I want my “Ugly Betty” back!!!!
Very upset that The Generation was cancelled after just two epiosdes.
I’m happy that V has been renewed for a second season, but Flashforward? That’s a cool show. I am unhappy to have gotten into another off beat sci fi show only to have it cancelled!!
I can’t believe that you cancelled Flashforward. The new stuff has no substance. You are creating TV shows that are based around the stupidity of today’s world…who has to think anymore.
And that applies to all of the stations that ax shows way too quick
don’t know who decides the assnine decisions to terminate tv shows after 1 or 2 very short seasons. Just when you start to get into the programs, they are gone!! Makes it not worth watching tv any more. The Nielson ratings should be thrown out. Obviously the big guys at the top are ignoring all the fans begging for many shows to return. Shows never get a chance to build up a following before getting the ax!! Bring back the old days of long running shows like gunsmoke, mash, seinfeld. Syndicators must be going crazy not having a selection to… Read more »