Your favorite soap operas will continue on ABC. According to Soap Opera Network, a recent lawsuit has been dismissed against the Alphabet Network and the channel will retain the rights to One Life to Live and All My Children.
In 2013, Prospect Park Networks filed a lawsuit against ABC, alleging the network “has been breaking the licensing agreement and sabotaging Prospect Park’s efforts to continue ‘All My Children’ and ‘One Life to Live’ online.” The production company began streaming the soap operas online earlier that year.
Later, ABC countersued Prospect Park Networks and the resulting case was dismissed in October. According to Soap Opera Network, now that the lawsuit is over fans are hoping for a revival.
One Life to Live ended its network run in 2012 and was briefly revived by Prospect Park Network as a Hulu web series in 2013. However, the company’s pending lawsuit with ABC and behind-the-scenes difficulties ended the short-lived revival later that year.
All Children, which began in 1970, ended its network run in 2011.
What do you think? Are you a fan of All My Children and One Life to Live? Do you still want a revival?
Yes yes yes! Please bring back All My Children and One Life to Live. I watched them both since their start and was very upset at their cancellations. Please bring them back and continue the great stories of Pine Valley and Llanview!
PLease let one life have another life to live
Bring the Soap Operas back and let the viewers be entertained. Daytime needs dramas and creativity. We in the US has surrendered to allow there to be Zero creativity on daytime television. Sadly this is in part to allowing Mexican (Spanish only) television to operate within the U.S.A.. This type of divide has ruined our ability to appeal to a diverse audience because they have all ready been dived. Time to bring people together and for All My Children and One Life to Live to return to either an Online multi platform and/or television please!!!!
Bring them back to ABC. MILLIONS of people want them back – and nothing else the network has aired has gotten the ratings they thought would be better than AMC and OLTL. They will see the ratings soar again. LOYAL fans – we will watch.
Yes, please. I definitely want another revival of One Life to Live and All My Children.
Now that the soaps lawsuit was finally dismissed, I agree with David E. and all of the other fans. One Life to Live and All My Children should definitely be revived either on TV, Netflix or in a multi-platform online!
Yes, bring them back!