In a recent interview with Digital Spy, CSI: Miami star Eva LaRue expressed her disappointment over the show’s cancellation. The series was cancelled in May after 10 seasons and was the first of the CSI franchise to come to a close.
She said, “I was sad because we did not get a chance to say goodbye to the fans or to each other.” LaRue also noted that she felt like the personal lives of the characters should have been further explored.
“I think we all feel like the character development would have been important to us actors but the nature of the show did not allow for it. There was not enough time because of the elaborate procedural scenes.”
With her contract up for renewal and rumors of a possible cancellation, LaRue auditioned for and landed an ABC comedy pilot with Mandy Moore and Stockard Channing — The Family Trap.
LaRue reasoned, since there was no guarantee Miami would continue, “I simply started auditioning and I landed the pilot. You have to cover your bases and look for your next job.”
ABC hasn’t picked up The Family Trap for the 2012-13 season as yet.
What do you think? Do you wish that CSI: Miami had a true series finale? How do you think it should have ended?
there should be agreat ending csi miami . and i dont understand why they canccelled the show,. also ryan never fit in.omar miller is great. at least let us know.
CBS is turning into NBC the second. I never watch any NBC as the quality is so degraded and on the off chance they come up with a decent show it will only be cancelled a la STAR TREK and Las Vegas. CBS is now headed down that road. Most is their own fault for second rate publicity and single time showings. The new show this year for Friday about the New Jersey lawyer only got two episodes shown. WE liked it……..the replacement Undercover Boss, not so much. All we ever watch is the tail end as CSI: NY is… Read more »
I am furious and have always been a CBS fan but how wrong. First mistake moving it to Sunday nite for that stupid Hawaii Five O. I hate that show for that fact and they keep ruining all the other CSI shows by changing characters all the time. I feel this shows what we all know it is the money in CBS’s pocket verses the fans and what they want. They would rather entertain with there stupid comedies instead of a well thought out show. How disappointing and such cowards to not even address those who keep their network on… Read more »
could have done better–csi -miami should have better send off–you do have some really stupid things on…
I think there should be a 2 hour big screen movie to tie up all the loose ends and give us devoted fans a proper ending !
When a series is nearing cancellation they should tie up all loose ends & give the fans that have been avid followers for the last 10 seasons at least that, a proper ending/goodbye whatever u want to call it.
It’s the least u morons can do
It’s unfortunate for US avid followers for the last 10 season to get such a crappy ending. If a series is coming near cancellation, you should have a proper ending/closing all storylines for a proper goodbye. It’s the least you morons can do for fans that have stuck around for 10 seasons.
I think it got cancelled because it ‘jumped the shark’. It was just getting very silly and unbelievable
CSI Miami was the best why cancel something reliable?
CSI Miami was the best………you have lost us CBS… have idiots working for you……
Good Night CBS
It’s a shame that the series did not get a good ending. However, I had already stopped watching it and am glad it was cancelled instead of CSI:NY.
I’ve heard that while CSI:Miami had slightly higher ratings than CSI:NY, since the former was an older show it cost more to produce. Also 10 seasons already makes for a good syndication package, so not much to be gained from that perspective.
I really miss CSI Miani. It was my favorite of all the others. i really wish they had not cancelled it. I wish they would bring it back with all the characters in it being the original ones they had. This sucks!
Yes there should have a better ending – there was no closure for us avid fans.
Yes I was very disappointed, it was the best of the 3 CSIs. With Ted coming on Las Vegas, it has really stepped up.
i agree.. that CSI NY had lower rating but stayed.. i dnt like the NY one its boring n just plain sucks!!!
Not a fan of DC and have only seen ONE episode of the show, and sorry I saw that one…
Really, a Tsunami strikes and all the people in the bank get into the vault and live… Yeah…
Oh and he shot some people too. O.o