As you may recall, ABC recently announced that they were reworking their Wednesday night schedule (in preparation for the return of Fox’s American Idol). That left fans of Day Break out in the cold as the Taye Diggs series would be pulled from the schedule after the December 27th episode had aired. There was some hope and speculation that the series would be moved to another night. We now know that’s not going to happen.
The Lost-replacing series Day Break has been pulled from the schedule even earlier than expected. The ratings for Day Break have continued to fall since its debut and the latest was no exception. The sixth episode, entitle “What If They Find Him,” attracted only 3.1 million households. As a result, ABC has yanked the drama effective immediately. Repeats of George Lopez and According to Jim will fill 8-10pm Wednesdays for the next two weeks (both sitcoms begin new seasons in January on Wednesday nights).
There are seven unaired episodes and, as of now, there are no plans to air them on the network (joining fellow dramas The Nine and Six Degrees). The good news is that ABC has said they will post the remaining episodes online, with a new episode being posted every Thursday for the next seven weeks. They may decide to release the episodes for purchase online via iTunes
but I’m guessing that will have a lot to do with viewer demand.
Thanks alot abc Day Break was the only show on Tv that I started watching other than sports. Guess I will stop watching tv shows altogether everytime a show is on that i like it gets pulled. Guess i will keep surfing the net and stick to the sports aleast i know they will be on when they should be. I couldnt wait to watch my show wednesday now what??
I am so disappointed about ABC yanking this great show. At the least they should have aired the remaining shows. I have been following the story since it began and looked forward to watching every Wednesday. I thought the show was full of suspense and the story was very cool. I think that this absolutley sucks!!!!!
THIS IS ABSOLUTE BULL!!!! I’m so mad right now. DayBreak was an amazing show. It’s the last time I’ll watch a show on ABC.
How do the networks know how many people are watching? Is there a bug in all our TVs? I think their numbers are skewed. Too many decent shows are being cancelled. I’m getting sick of watching Tv.
Wow. This was the best show next to lost and now you took it off the air. I made my schedule at work to be off wednesday nights. I’m pissed off. A damn good show. You could have put it on another night but no. George Lopez was the next best option? You think ratings were low for day break? Just see the rating reports for your “Replacement Shows” the following day. Daybreak being cancelled is an absolute tragedy.
This is a shame .. the show was a very interesting and suspenseful with alot of talent– that kept the viewer on your toes..This was a nice change from the other – shows. There has not been a series on TV in along time that kept the viewer guessing and wanting more.. DayBrake presented a acting at a level of art, technique and dramatic characters that reveal great writing and talent. I really will miss the show.. I hope that ABC will air the remaining shows.. I agree -” Not every one wants to see everything all better in an… Read more »
abc blows i will never watch another show again on that station daybreak rocked . how about putting another mindless reality show on tv for all white trash to view instead of something with substance.for people with a brain!!!!!
What is is it with ABC Wednesday night shows? That’s two in arow- The Nine and now Day Break. They couldn’t have found another night? Makes me wnat to be very cautious about starting any new series on ABC in rhe future
This sucks. I looked foward to this show. Better than Lost and 24. It was exciting and I liked the idea that it would all be resolved in one season. Unlike Lost that is popular and I watch I’m beginning to grow tired of its dragging on and on waiting to see if and when and how they are rescued. Bring Daybreak Back.
Day break and bones was all I watched on wednesday. thanks to time warner I can no longer see fox; football or bones and now day break is going bye bye. I hate show’s that you know who did it in the first 15 min. of the show. Most of what I watch I play vidio games or watch youtube while I am watching with Day break I had to turn off you computer and pay attention. It was a nice change. Not every one wants everything all better in an hour, some people want a puzzel that takes some… Read more »
Tis a shame, and I wish they would’ve given it a better chance. I was really into the show and I had recently convinced my friends to watch it (they loved it). Could George Lopez really replace Day Break? Not in my book.
I hope that it’s true that ABC will be airing the remaining episodes on line. I’d like to have some closure with the show. It’s a shame ABC didn’t stick with it a little longer. People are busy this time of year and I think after the holidays,it might have gained viewership.
Why do they keep cancelling all these shows before letting the viewers know what happened? I watched The Nine and Kidnapped (though I had tired of Kidnapped) and I really wanted to see what was up with Daybreak. They need to stop playing these suspenseful shows then yanking them before the season completes.
Its disappointing since daybreak has been a rather interesting show.
I really hate this is happening.. Day Break was a good show, and looked forward to Wednesday Nights to see the show… Why this could not be moved to Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday… I just do not understand…there is no reason to remove this from TV..