Friday, October 9, 2015 ratings — New episodes: Reign, America’s Next Top Model, The Amazing Race, Hawaii Five-0, Blue Bloods, Undateable, Dateline NBC, Last Man Standing, Shark Tank, and 20/20. Reruns: Gotham, Rosewood
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These are the fast affiliate ratings. The percentages represent the change since the previous original episode. (Percentages aren’t given for reruns or specials.) To see past ratings for a particular show, click the show’s link. The show pages are updated with the daily final ratings when they become available. Those pages include season averages to date.
What were you watching last night? Original network programming, reruns, cable, or something else?
I just can’t believe the low ratings for THE AMAZING RACE. It’s my favorites program & wow this could be the last yr for it if things don’t pick up. I can’t afford to travel so this is my chance to see at least some of the world. Please everyone, start watching it! Even Blue Bloods was down this week. ; ( Who in the world is still watching 20/20 and not Dateline?
Last night I watch Regin it’s an amazing show its sad that raitings are bad due to the fact that the ranking systems are extremely old I am the one cleaning up these ranking systems I am tired and exhausted I need massive help
Wish people should now quit watching Dr. Ken.
LOVE Blue Bloods, it is a NEVER-MISS for me. I watch all the other channel marathons too.
I occasionally watch LMS only because of Tim & Hector- don’t care for the rest of the cast. Shark Tank is always interesting too. Hope Blue Bloods is on for MANY MORE seasons.