Tim Kring, the creator of NBC’s Heroes, recently talked to EW about the prospect of a movie to wrap up the formerly hit series. It seemed like the project was essentially a done deal when it was announced that Heroes wouldn’t be back for season four. Now, it don’t seem so sure.
He said, “No decision has been made [about the movie]. But the Heroes brand is an extremely broad premise. It was a premise about ordinary people, an undisclosed number of people all over the world, who were waking up to these extraordinary abilities. Any number of stories could happen around that. We never posited a single ending or a single premise. It wasn’t about getting off of an island or stopping something from happening. We told stories in volumes that had a beginning, a middle, and an end. Those volumes could go on and on and on with many different characters.”
He continued, “As a result, that Heroes universe is something that can be tapped into again in many ways. Certainly, a movie is a way to do that and clearly, there is an entire world and a number of platforms that this property could live in. Movies sometimes need a little distance from the television show.”
A couple weeks ago, Kring said that he was pitching his movie idea to NBC later this month. He hinted that the movie would skip ahead a year and deal with the repercussions of Claire revealing her powers to the world in the finale. She’ll have become a reluctant spokesperson for the abnormals and Sylar will (once again) struggle with his dark side. He said, “There will be a huge cultural and social change in the world. Some [of our characters] will be hiding, some struggling, some basking in the glory.”
Kring feels confident that, if he can get NBC to agree to make the Heroes wrap-up, that the large cast would agree to return. He added that Adrian Pasdar would probably be back but wouldn’t be playing deceased Nathan Petrelli.
What do you think? Will the Heroes movie get made or will it go the way of the Commander in Chief and Deadwood movies?
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Image courtesy NBC.
Heroes should be brought bk in either series or movie to wrap up or continue
My family as been watching th series on Netflix and would love to see an ending . Now you would have bigger fun base since the release on Netflix . Not fair to the fan to start something and leave us hanging.
Wrap it up some how and decuss about how it should end, That’s my opion. Since Heroes was cancelled from NBC, The new show “The Cape” are they going to run in the same situation as Heroes?
The problem isn’t what the fans want, it always has to do with money!!!! I always say the best thing to do when network does something, write letters and tell them you are going to boycott their network!