Heroes Reborn has already been cancelled by NBC. The series will not return for a second season, but fans still have a huge finale to see.
NBC has released a brand new preview for the series finale, and the heroes will have to save the world once again. No cheerleader saving will be involved this time though.
Check out the preview below. The Heroes Reborn finale will air on Thursday night. Do you plan to watch? Tell us what you think.
Thing is that I remember this being advertised as a one season thing. It shouldn’t say cancelled, it just ended. I actually like it when a show has a start/middle/end. No cliff hangers to then later tell us “Oh it’s cancelled.” Would I like to see it back? Absolutely! I love Heroes. I hope in the future we can see more of them.
Yes, of course I’ll be watching but it still totally disgusts me that they are cancelling this when they have WAY MORE losers on the air right now. The problem is not that they aren’t finishing the series but that they ended Heroes so badly…………….Frickin writers strike………………….People just expected NBC to have as little regard for us as they do their “creators & writers” so why get invested. This is why Even Syfy has more devoted watchers. You just can’t trust NBC!!!