The CW recently began airing a new reality show, High Society, that follows the wealthy “in crowd.” Is the series rich in ratings?
High Society revolves around a group of young and beautiful New York socialites. The cast includes Alexandra Osipow, Dabney Mercer, Dale Mercer, Devorah Rose, Jules Kirby, Paul Johnson Calderon, and Tinsley Mortimer.
The series got off to a slow start on March 10th with just a 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 1.26 million viewers. The second episode dropped in total viewers though the 18-49 demo remained the same.
The numbers haven’t gotten better and have continued to fall. This week’s installment, the show’s sixth, attracted just a 0.3 rating and 0.77 million viewers. These are terrible numbers, even by CW standards and many cable shows are performing better.
There are only eight episodes in this season so there seems little doubt that the network will let them all play at this point. However, there’s little reason to expect that we’ll see a second season either.
What do you think? Is High Society worth watching? Why do you think it’s performed so poorly? Could they have fixed it?
I’m not a big fan of reality TV and the outcome of most all attempts is usually cancellation. But I have to say they should get some type of award for reaching the very most bottom of ratings for the 2009-2010 season! 124 out of 124 !!! What an achievement !!! What I am trying to say here is that when something is that bad there usually is something very very good about it. In this instance the show is clearly entertaining and actually provokes thought and anticipation for the next episodes. The major character’s behavior in general are so… Read more »
I loved the show , it had alot of drama , i was intersted in it ,
it made me learn what to do in certain situations , & made me thankful it wasnt my life
boring and stupid. I fell asleep the 3 times I tried to watch it.
Love it.
xxxxx PJC
It does’nt matter if this show got any viewers or not those real life princesses who starred in this show such as Tinsley will pay for its airtime then it will advertized her ugly bags non stop.
Its a free country, if extremist people like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck can spew hatefilled rhetorics, Then there’s no law to stop this rich brat in flaunting their wealth on TV even if they have to pay for it because they want to make their middleclass to destitute viewers jealous with envy.
I did a spot review of this and the entire time I found myself aching for the sweet release of death.
Shows like this are not what television needs. I fear the CW has some sort of Gossip Girl/90210/*insert relevant similar show here* cloning machine stashed away and are just tossing in the lamest ideas they can come up with into it and producing junk like this.
It’s a good show but the CW has done a terrible job at promoting the show.
This show is absolute garbage. It should be canceled , and Dawn should be fired too for even thinking this piece of crap would work!
I think part of the problem is that it is running against American Idol. That lineup would be bad for any show no matter how good it is. The show is a blast to watch and if one follows this show, it is hard to resist. You just want to find out what will happen next , and it is fun to watch someone get told off, especially by the mother, she is the best!
I can’t help thinking if it had a good recap in nymag it would have rated better, junk tv that you can’t help but watch more of. The mother is great, looking for nazi ancestry in he daughter’s boyfriend.
Cancel it
Good thing Dawn Ostroff decided to cancel “Veronica Mars” and “Reaper” to make room for shows like this and that classic gem “Farmer wants a Wife.”
‘Nuff said…