Christopher Chance and company have been struggling in the ratings this season and FOX isn’t exactly helping them out. On Wednesday, the pair of scheduled Human Target episodes were pre-empted by President Obama’s speech from Tucson. Those episodes have been rescheduled for tonight, an evening when viewership is much lower and many fans of the show will probably miss them.
Now, FOX has decided to expand the Wednesday, January 26th edition of American Idol to two hours. As a result, the previously scheduled episode of Human Target will be bumped to Monday, January 31st. It’ll precede the final Lie to Me of the season (and possibly the series). The network hasn’t announced it yet but, if the two-hour Idol on the 26th is a success, FOX could certainly decide to expand the next couple episodes which would displace the last two episodes of Human Target’s season. While the series was once going to get a ratings boost from an Idol lead-in, it’s now getting shuffled around instead.
It would seem that FOX has all but given up on the series. At this point, it’s hard to blame them. The ratings certainly don’t warrant a third round of episodes. Season one averaged a 2.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 9.6 million viewers and it was almost cancelled with those numbers. Thus far, season two has averaged just a pitiful 1.6 rating and 6.04 million total viewers. Human Target is currently the lowest-rated scripted show on the network.
It seems that Human Target is already destined to be cancelled and these latest schedule changes will be the final blow.
What do you think? Will Human Target be renewed for season three or cancelled? What would you suggest doing to increase the ratings?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Well bumping it to just make american idol 2 hours isn’t gonna help. Fox has just given up. The president thing not their fault, but it doesn’t seem like they care though. F**K AMERICAN IDOL!!!
I too love this show…’s my favorite!!!
Please don’t cancel it!!! It’s so fun and smart and funny.
It needs to be better promoted!!
Stop moving it all around and keep it in one time slot and then work your asses off to promote it as the winner it really is!!!
Fox loves killing good shows!!!!
Basically the only show I watch on TV. The Guerrero character is my favorite. Why cancel such a good show? TV caters too much to kids and young adults.
Human Target is one of my favorite shows. I will be very disappointed if they cancel it.
This is one of the best shows out there. I look forward to this every week. Give it a shot – DON’T CANCEL!!!!
I can’t believe fox is going to pick a played out show like American Idol over Human target. the problem with network television today is we are being over inadated with reality shows. human target has a good storyline that could be veiwed by families so maybe fox should giving it a better time slot instead of trying to kill it.
I think this show is great. I enjoy the closed quarters hand to hand combat, the adventure, the character chemistry, etc.; unfortunately, these days the shows I regularly watch are always canceled and can’t compare to the mind numbing idolization of singing people. So, that being said, I expect that this show will be canceled and I will grow frustrated once again. The fox trailers were pretty good, but as far as I’m concerned, they needed to advertise less crashes / explosions and more Chance ass kicking fisticuffs. (Mind you, there was a cancellation scare after the first season too,… Read more »
What is the matter with you people! This is a wonderful series that we just found this year. Fox did not do enough advertising for the exciting show. PLEASE do NOT cancel this show!!!!
More series-death-by-FOX schedule shifting, unfortunately. They did it to “Firefly” that way in 2005, they’re doing it to “Human Target” now. ~sigh~ A pity. I was late to enjoying “Human Target” last year, but got into it and enjoyed it. I’ve been enjoying that series development with the new characters this season, as well as learning more about the previous characters. C’est la vie; this won’t be the first or final time a network buries and then cancels an entertaining show.
Keep Human Target
I love this show! Why is it all the good show get canceled? Do Not cancel this show!
Human Target is a great show and I agree that Fox gives up too early on a good show. Give me a break with American Idol. I never watch ANY reality shows. I wish they would give this show a break and renew for a third season. It is one of my husband’s favorite shows, as well as mine. I think Fox needs a new CEO. They need to quit messing with good programming. As far as ratings, I’m not sure they’re all the they’re cracked up to be!
My wife and I both like this show.I hope it does not get cancelled because its really the only show we both watch together.
I think Fox is crazy to screw around with Human Target like this. The show is great fun, and I love all the characters, even the new ones (the two women), because they add a different element to the show. Now, the slambang action sequences have to be leavened a bit with thoughtful dialogue and soulful looks. And Guerrero! Well, Jackie Earl Hailey is just super in this role. If Fox wanted the show to thrive, it would put it in a nice prominent place and just leave it the Hell alone. Before they can it completely, why not drop… Read more »
I love this show! This is just like FOX to give up too early on a good show. It may not have big ratings, but I’m sure it has a following.