Christopher Chance and company have been struggling in the ratings this season and FOX isn’t exactly helping them out. On Wednesday, the pair of scheduled Human Target episodes were pre-empted by President Obama’s speech from Tucson. Those episodes have been rescheduled for tonight, an evening when viewership is much lower and many fans of the show will probably miss them.
Now, FOX has decided to expand the Wednesday, January 26th edition of American Idol to two hours. As a result, the previously scheduled episode of Human Target will be bumped to Monday, January 31st. It’ll precede the final Lie to Me of the season (and possibly the series). The network hasn’t announced it yet but, if the two-hour Idol on the 26th is a success, FOX could certainly decide to expand the next couple episodes which would displace the last two episodes of Human Target’s season. While the series was once going to get a ratings boost from an Idol lead-in, it’s now getting shuffled around instead.
It would seem that FOX has all but given up on the series. At this point, it’s hard to blame them. The ratings certainly don’t warrant a third round of episodes. Season one averaged a 2.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 9.6 million viewers and it was almost cancelled with those numbers. Thus far, season two has averaged just a pitiful 1.6 rating and 6.04 million total viewers. Human Target is currently the lowest-rated scripted show on the network.
It seems that Human Target is already destined to be cancelled and these latest schedule changes will be the final blow.
What do you think? Will Human Target be renewed for season three or cancelled? What would you suggest doing to increase the ratings?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Very dissappointed in this decision. Please reconsider. Even my wife started to get connected with this entertainment.
Very disappointed with cancellation of Human Target one of the few TV series that is [was] on that I still watched
Human Target is ONE of the best show THAT was on tv,What U need to do is cancel ALL the REALITY SHOWS CUUUUUZZZZZZ that ALL SUKKKKKKKKKKK
I can’t believe Fox cancelled Human Target and Lie to Me. I am so sick of these networks taking the GOOD shows off and putting more an more CRAP on. These two shows were very good, the had action, humor and were decent. I didn’t have to worry about my kids watching them. I refuse to pay a cable bill because there isn’t enough DECENT, FAMILY FRIENDLY stuff on anymore, and they keep trying to shove the liberal garbage down our throats. We went to Netflix because WE have a say in what comes into our home. When will the… Read more »
Human target is the best show on tv. If you don’t love this show then you don’t know good drama.
Come on Fox! Thought you had better insight into something good. This is a great show. It’s funny, yet action, some romance, some drama. The characters meld so well together. It’s something we can watch with the kids. You’re missing the boat on this one. We need stories, fiction not just cheap reality. What part of the library is bigger, the fiction or the non fiction. We all live in reality and need some escape which is what this show does. Please rethink cancelling this show!
I agree with Mamacats – EVERYTIME I like a sow it gets cancelled! Human Target IS as excellant show. I have been waiting for the new season from the season finally. Fox sucks. I am sick of American Idol. None of you have any imagination anymore. You just keep pumping out reality shows . . . BORING!! Give us back Human Target. Or do you not care about what the veiwers really like. Human Target has action, suspense, a bit of romance. You found yourself caring for the main charactors, and those they were trying ot help! Maybe you don’t… Read more »
True to form … with the cancellation of Human Target I have absolutely no reason to watch Fox … again. Every time FOX comes up with a show I really enjoy it ends up cancelled.
I love the show. Leave it on!
This is a great show. We watch it as a family. We all look forward to the show each week.
Come on fox…. This is one the reasons why I watched your was great
DON’T CANCEL HUMAN TARGET!!!!! The characters and actors are FAB!! It’s one of the BEST shows on TV, and far more realistic! Christopher Chance is GORGEOUS!
Really enjoyed thai show and would hate to see it canceled.
I think this is a great show with some great characters. Please do not cancel this show! Thanks
I’ve been watching this show from the beginning and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. When it was on my wife and I NEVER missed an episode. Great characters!!!
It shouldn’t be cancelled!!!
do not cancel this show,,,,it was great