Christopher Chance and company have been struggling in the ratings this season and FOX isn’t exactly helping them out. On Wednesday, the pair of scheduled Human Target episodes were pre-empted by President Obama’s speech from Tucson. Those episodes have been rescheduled for tonight, an evening when viewership is much lower and many fans of the show will probably miss them.
Now, FOX has decided to expand the Wednesday, January 26th edition of American Idol to two hours. As a result, the previously scheduled episode of Human Target will be bumped to Monday, January 31st. It’ll precede the final Lie to Me of the season (and possibly the series). The network hasn’t announced it yet but, if the two-hour Idol on the 26th is a success, FOX could certainly decide to expand the next couple episodes which would displace the last two episodes of Human Target’s season. While the series was once going to get a ratings boost from an Idol lead-in, it’s now getting shuffled around instead.
It would seem that FOX has all but given up on the series. At this point, it’s hard to blame them. The ratings certainly don’t warrant a third round of episodes. Season one averaged a 2.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 9.6 million viewers and it was almost cancelled with those numbers. Thus far, season two has averaged just a pitiful 1.6 rating and 6.04 million total viewers. Human Target is currently the lowest-rated scripted show on the network.
It seems that Human Target is already destined to be cancelled and these latest schedule changes will be the final blow.
What do you think? Will Human Target be renewed for season three or cancelled? What would you suggest doing to increase the ratings?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Human Target was best program on fox. Sorry but the Sunday Night lineup must have a bunch of butthead in charge og programing. Our family does not watch any fox programs on Sunday night.
Definitely bring back Human Target!! I can’t get enough of Chance!!
I can’t believe you would cancel, this series. When there is so many other shows to be canceled.
Put Human Target back !!! it’s a great show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no idea how it got such a low rate, how it’s a good show!!!
human target was a great show, the ratings sucked cause fox don’t know how to schedule programming… or advertise it for that matter, I never even knew about the show till the 2nd season maybe if they learned to keep programming in its spot and not move it all around due to other lame programs going over.. like bones and being moved around due to american idol maybe they would get better ratings.. they always take off shows too just as they start doing good and getting known, i’m tired of all this lame so called reality television and i… Read more »
Our entire family was sitting around the dinner table wondering when the new season of Human Target would start….and we go online tonight to learn that it’s been canceled and the lead character, Christopher Chance, has a new starring role on the NBC drama, Harry’s Law. Human Target was one of the best shows to grace the small screen in a long time–irreverent, funny, action-packed, well-written, and starring a stellar cast of character actors, all of whom were fun to watch. We are bummed…bring back Human Target!!
I agree with Mr Clark. I am so sick of reality tv on every channel. This was one of the best shows on and I always looked forward to watching it….when I could find it!
My wife and I watch Human Target on a weekly basis. It is our favorite show. This is one of the few shows that is action-packed for an entire hour and is clean enoxugh for the whole family to watch. If you cancell this show for another reality show, I hope another network will pick it up. We are sick of reality tv, cartoons w/racial, sexual implications, and law and order mess. The baby-boomer crowd should have a voice since we are the ones staying home most of the time. Right?
This was a really good show the people in it were great together I do not understand why you cancel good shows for all of these reality shows we need good shows like this and a lot more of them
I would be very disapointed if HT is taken off the air, I love this series. As others, shows like American Idol, Big Brother, So you think…….are so, but so not what I am looking for that you would be loosing my vote for popularity and success for sure as I would change channel, period. You may loose the “lady boss from Geneva” if you want for I think she did not improve the show, but not the show, please. I agree with Demetry Grace when he says that CSI , CSI miai , CSI New York and so on… Read more »
FOX and all the other networks may want to rethink their rating methods. Everyone I know and I mean EVERYONE loved human target, but also most people I know dont have time or the patience to cope with cable or satellite programming scheduling nonsense and thus watch their favorite shows via Hulu, Network sites, or other online sources. So if that bypasses the rating system that is being used by networks to judge the success of their shows then they aren’t going to get accurate results. All I know is if they are using the cable and sat companies to… Read more »
Leave it on ! My family and I never miss it.
Bring Human Target and the gang back!
Bring Human Target and the gang back. This was one of the best shows out there. A lot of action. I like the fox network but bring this one back. I was very upset this show was canceled.
Bring it back or let some other network have it.
Leon Enochs
Its absalutely ridiculus that Human Target should be canceled ! millions of people watch the show . It is unique and has positively fabulus characters . It has story line ( wich is more than can be said for CSI , CSI miai , CSI New York and so on ) why cant the program be handed over to someone else that might actualy be willing to fund the program , instead of wasting money on different versions of the same thing ! If you want advise on how to get more people to watch it, try harder to advertise… Read more »
I cannot believe HT has been cancelled. greatest show on TV. My family and i text back and forth from Cali to WI whenever it was on. Come on please please put it back on.