Jessie will end its run on Disney on Friday night, and fans are now getting a quick look at Jessie’s send off. Disney cancelled the series starring Debby Ryan back in February.
The series finale is promising a huge moment at the end. During the episode, Jessie will leave her job and the family she works for to head to Hollywood. She is ready for her big moment as an actress. Her decision to leave is preceded by the return of the matriarch of the family.
However, her three charges are not ready to see her leave. They follow her to Hollywood. TV Line shared an exclusive sneak peek of “Jessie Goes To Hollywood” showing Jessie trying to handle the fact that she is not needed as much as she used to be.
Disney shared another preview for the series finale recently as well. Check out that clip below, and the TV Line clip at the link above.
Are you sad to see Jessie ending its run on Disney? Tell us what you think.
Jessie is the best!! Finished it think Tony and Jessie should marry. Mom says there is a season 5 and she watched it, Jessie actually gets married!!
My daughter grew up watching Jessie, so sad it has to end so soon.
Yes it’s sad.. Great show don’t see why it was canceled if it was number 2
I am sad for the show Jessie to end because I have been watching for a long time with my little sisters. We all think jessie is one of the best shows on Disney Channel. I think Disney should make a continuing show of Jessie’s Hollywood life.
This doesn’t make any sense. Variety needs to get to the bottom of it. Sounds like Debbie wants mire money or something.
I’m so upset 2 see that this long-lasting show is ending after the 4th season and after 101 episodes. my daughter loves this and she came running & crying to me saying Jessie is cancelled. after looking on the internet I actually saw that Jessie is cancelled . I will miss Jessie dearly, I always loved that show . and there will always be a place in my heart! Jessie/Debby Ryan is now an actual movie producer. she does have more jobs and she cannot do all of them at the same time. R.I.P. Jessie, What such long-lasting t.v show… Read more »
I’m not the bright side is that we’ll all get to see from start to finish of all 4 Seasons of Jessie on Netflix that’s the bottom line
I’m really going to miss that Disney show JESSIE. My brother (Tobias) both love watching it especially the Halloween episodes plus our 2 nieces (Ariel and Jazmyn) loved watching JESSIE too. Even our mom sometimes watched it. All the episodes were good… miss the show already.
I am very very sad that Jessie ended I loved that show
I am sad to see Jessie cancelled. I wish they would make a fifth season where Jessie is an actress.
Same here crystal
I can’t believe it’s over!!! My daughter sees it all the time and I love watching it with her!!! It’s one of our favorite shows!!!
My daughter saw the ending and came crying to me. She said she just watched the saddest show. I tried to assure her that the show was still on as I didn’t see an end date when I checked IMDb. Apparently she was right. This was her best show and we will definitely miss Jessie.
I have to say, I am very sad to have such a very hilarious Disney show end on TV. What I think should happen is that they should keep Jessie a long-running TV show with every season: from Season 5-Season 8, etc. Such a very good, wonderful TV show like Jessie shouldn’t end too soon. It needs to keep going on TV, and with new episodes.
I miss it
This is not fun why
It is stupid to end a very nice show. My kids love this show and I often watch it. Love the Halloween episodes with the costumes! We will all miss it. Very sad note.
I know. My daughter loves this show