Limitless TV show on CBS. Image via CBS.
Limitless is cancelled on CBS. The drama series is not included in the CBS 2016-2016 Primetime Lineup. At the CBS Upfronts, though, boss Les Moonves said they were shopping the series around. Per a Variety report, CBS Entertainment chief Glenn Geller said, “Right now we’re in discussions with other potential buyers.”
The Limitless TV series cast includes: Jake McDorman, Jennifer Carpenter, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Hill Harper, and Colin Salmon. According to the report, contrary to recent speculation, Moonves said streaming the second season of Limitless on the CBS All-Access subscription service is not an option.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Limitless TV show? What channel or streaming service do you think would be a good fit for the sci-fi comedy drama?
My husband and I are both fans of the show and felt a real disappointing sadness that this series was not going to continue. I hope someone decides to continue this awesome series. It was one of the best we’ve seen in a long time.
This is the first show in a long time worth watching. The other drama series ran so long they ran out of storylines, but this was just getting started. And it mms a d e you think! My husband couldn’t believe how I got into it.
What a shame. Great series. Did same thing to Second Chance series also. Two new and innovative series gone.
Call up the CW. Seems like a show they may want
Love this show btw!
My wife and I loved this show Very cleverly done
I love the show and hope someone picks it up.
I liked the movie more then the series.
After the first promising episodes the “comedy”-part is far overdone and the series lost a lot seriousity, brian acts more and more infantile, and the storyline becomes more and more lightweight.
I saw Brian’s infantile behavior as you tagged it, as a way of coping with the stress he was put under to always be the one to come up the solutions. Truly the “pill” gave him that ability but don’t forget there was still a young man in there feeling the pressure of that responsibility even in the smallest measure. I respect your opinion but don’t believe you saw the character fully. You’ve obviously never raised a free spirited son.
I also loved this show. Realistically, it should have been on SYFY, USA or TNT as this is a niche program NOT for a larger audience that network programming wants to reach. It would be wonderful if one of the cable channels picked it up.
Well thought, and brilliantly stated Angela! I couldn’t agree more My only contemplative pondering is, “why” (not disagreeing with you at all) aren’t more entertained/ intrigued by this type of plot..? Sad isn’t it, that “the masses” is not the “location” for a show of the mentally-stimulating fictional story? Maybe if more subscribed to our own ability “to break through walls of conformity, and stagnation;” and to see we “Can” reach outside the box, we could do as nature intended- evolve as (Kindom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genius, Species)- Homo Sapiens… Just a thought. But again, well said on your… Read more »
I already commented on how I want limitless back specially since the FBI is taking him back,the Script is written
Yes I’m a huge fan of Limitless I actually even paid the 5.99 all access fee just to see if I missed any episoides ,They say CBS is a over 55 broadcast station I don’t agree there owned by CW and that is my primary station if they changed person of Interest and Limitless to CW and got rid of crazy exgirlfriend I don’t know any teens into musicals,and I don’t see the draw of Jane the Virgian unless there is a cross over of CW and CW which is what I think they had in mind.But Please renew Limitless… Read more »
We love this show we are both 64 and this kind of show is fresh and makes us think on a higher level .hope netflix or the CW pick it up .
You had me agreeing until you trashed Jane the Virgin. That show is one of my favorites. It’s writing is excellent and the characters storylines well developed and intertwined. You start to see Jane as a friend and truly care about what happens to the characters. And unlike other shows that drag storylines forever, JTV doesn’t…Jane is no longer a virgin by the start of the 3rd season
Sorry Sandy you took it so personal.It just had no draw for me.I’m just not into female drama’s.I like show’s that are fast paced and Syfy stuff that’s probably why supernatural is my favorite.But I Love Blacklist Quantico Blindspot USAs Incorporated and Bravo’s imposter’s unfortunately DirecTV will not honor there 2 yr agreement & can’t correct a promo after it’s over so I’ll be missing a lot of my show’s till I get an antenna but thanks for your input We all have are styles And it just doesn’t seem to be about us anymore.Deb
This is a great show. I say, FU CBS, you don’t deserve this show. Hoping thay can move it to USA, TNT or even CW.
I loved the series and looked forward to watching it every week.
This is terribly disappointing. The show is original, exciting, funny, and heartwarming. I really don’t care what network picks it up, I just want more “Limitless”. There are very few things of value to watch on TV anymore. I guess I’ll never understand why Executives always pander to the lowest common denominator and chuck shows with substance and originality. To the cast of “Limitless” – I hope to see you again soon. Hopefully together, continuing the journey of this wonderful show that has brought me along for the ride. If not,.. Good Luck on your next adventure,.. Let it NOT… Read more »
I couldn’t agree more. Please read my previous posts. I believe I may speak some truths you agree with.
Take care.
Netflix or Amazon would be promising. Would actually love for HBO to pick this up but doubt that would ever happen.
Reality, unfortunately, the show will likely die. I hope it doesn’t but like Pushing Daisies ended up pushing daisies Limitless will end up being limited.
Any network picking it up would be fine as long as those crummy ******** at CBS will actually let someone else take it over.
It said they won’t!This is why Cooper is going 2 court.And I hope he wins but as you said if they let another take over that I think is the issue.And I believe they had already started S2 but that paper production that does Scorpion one of the financial backers backed out.Its not like it was an expensive show his apartment.and a office no explosions or car chase’s.TV getting too complicated
I think USA could be a good fit. I really loved this show.
I will actually upgrade my subscription for directv if they do,but so far USA hasn’t renewed mr.robot.june it was to come on,