Longmire returned for a fourth season to Netflix, but will fans see season five? They are certainly hoping so. In fact, fans have planned a huge online event for Wednesday that they hope will get the attention of Netflix.
They want season five, and they are willing to bombard Netflix’s social media pages to get it. The online event is being staged by the Longmire Posse. A post on their Facebook revealed the group’s plans for the event.
“Be sure to join the Stampede next Wednesday night! It is so important that we demonstrate to Netflix that we are as engaged as ever! During the hour long Stampede, every share on Facebook of a Longmire Posse post, will go directly to Netflix & Longmire pages, as they will be tagged in every post! If you tweet, be sure to retweet all content with the hashtag on the poster, and @netflix in the tweet – as those too, will be seen by Netflix.”
According to Christian Today, one of the members of the cast, Ally Walker, spoke about the potential for a fifth season of the series, and she thinks the series will return.
“I think there is a possibility that I’m going back, and if you watch it, there’s a really interesting little cliffhanger that you’ll see at the end of this year. So I’m pretty sure I’m going back, and we’ll see what happens.”
Longmire started as a series on A&E, but it was cancelled by the network after season three. Netflix decided to save the series. Will it save it again? Season four premiered on the streaming service on September 10, and fans have been waiting for renewal news ever since.
Do you want a fifth season of Longmire? Tell us what you think.
The whole family loves to watch Longmire! If the are smart it will get another season, ages 25 to 85 watches in our family. Even had a marathon watch to catch up on past episodes.
Please bring Longmire back for season 5 you can’t leave that ending. I love this show something the husband and I can watch together
Bring ‘er back for 4 more seasons!
Love the show. Hook it up with Season 5! Please!
All of the Longmire Fans are really ready for a Season 5 to begin The sooner the better. Since I seldom get out TV and the Internet are my only enjoyment Now that NF picked up Longmire I have signed up in order to enjoy the show. Love all of the cast writing is superb -, music goes with each scene and the landscape is outstanding. Please at leas let us know if and when there wil be a Season 5. Thank you
We very much enjoy this series. Please continue this series.
Yes of course we want season 5 of Longmire. It is a great show. Please bring it back.
Yes I want a 5th season, there are so many of us out here that didn’t want the show cancelled at all, we are grateful to Netflix for bringing it back.
Yes please continue. We are hooked on this series!
Fans of both the Craig Johnson Longmire books and the TV series. We sure hope Netflix brings Walt and crew back for several more exciting seasons. Great TV and cast.
please keep Longmire going! Love all the people . excellent show!!
Wished you would bring the show back on regular TV.I loved this show.. Was another one to be taken off.Makes me not want to watch any shows.. For sure.. Everything I like will be taken off.
My husband and I discovered this series on Netflix and are now deep into season 4. We both love the great writing and acting, and would be extremely sorry to see it end. The cast has become like old friends we’ve come to love and respect. It would be a great loss for Netflix to cancel this series now. It’s one of the main reasons we are still subscribers.
yes, please bring Season 5 to Netflix. I just finished Season 4 and just have to find out what happens to Walt and what happens between Walt and Vic!!
More Longmire soon. A ten episode season is too short. One of the best shows I’ve watched in years. Our entire family sits down to watch it.