NBC has decided to cancel its long-running midseason staple, Medium, after five seasons on the air. Do you think Allison DuBois saw it coming?
Medium revolves a wife, mother, and psychic (Patricia Arquette) who uses her abilities to help the local police force. The show also features Miguel Sandoval, Maria Lark, Jake Weber, Sofia Vassilieva, David Cubitt, Miranda Carabello, Tina DiJoseph, John Prosky and Kendahl King.
The drama has been longtime midseason player for the peacock network, starting off in January 2005. Season one averaged almost 14 million viewers. Later seasons have attracted fewer people but the show has remained a good utility player for NBC. This season, the series built on the rapidly declining lead-in audience of Heroes.
But ultimately, the renewal decision came down to dollars and cents. NBC wanted financial cutbacks and a limited episode order. As a result, talks with the show’s studio, CBS TV Studios, stalled last week and NBC has passed on season six.
There is a strong possibility that Medium could move to CBS next season. The show’s already in syndication and the studio would reap big benefits by producing new episodes.
One possible scenario has Medium being placed on CBS’ Friday night schedule, sandwiched between compatible Ghost Whisperer and Numb3rs. What do you think of that schedule?
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Image courtesy NBC.
was so happy when it came back on not realizing it was the series finally. I’ve been waiting for the new season not an ending. This is a great show that the whole family enjoys. we have movie night each week and even the kids pick this show. CBS , no wonder there the best they pay attention to even the simple people. we will miss this show , we all have dreams but this is a family that lives normally without the sci fi and stupidity. Hope they bring it back
cancelled medium……….how stupid!!!! if anything needs cancelling it`s ghost whisper, i mean who even knows who the heck she is really married too??????i think they really screwed the program up, i no longer watch it. please bring back medium.
Who cares what night shows come on anymore? With DVR we record all our shows or watch on demand and avoid commercials. We no longer worry when something is on-we watch the episodes at our convenience so I think this strategy is outdated and irrelevant. We were not watching Medium as much any more – story lines were tiresome and the opportunity to explore the children’s abilities was missed.
Disappointing, as my wife and I considered Medium to be one of our favorite shows. The series finale really took us by surprise. It’s rare today to find shows with good family values. We watched the girls grow up over the years and really related to the real life, “blue collarish” family problems and solutions. If there is any way to bring it back, we’ll be waiting in the wings to support it along with our family and friends!
My husband and I, too, were really bummed and shocked that Medium was canceled.
We don’t understand at all what caused this decision. We sure hope CBS takes it over, It was great writing and acting and we are anxious to have it back!
I also do not know what to say. All this work, all these years and then they cut it into 45min of fast end….. The idea was brilliant and it will take me a while to get over medium. I would be awsome if CBS would buy the show but I am afraid they screwed up the ending so much that it would be impossible to come up with a brilliant new start. After all if this should have been the end, why did they not at least make it an 1.30h episode to give it the honour it deservees,… Read more »
First of all, Medium WAS on CBS. The above article was from 2009 when it was originally on NBC. After NBC cancelled it, CBS took it over and placed it after Ghost Whisper. So, sorry, I think this is it. I too Cried and Cried and had no idea this was going to be the finale, well until I saw it advertised as such when I was watching another recorded show. I was hoping though that it was all a dream, so that she could stop Joe from getting on that plane. You think she would’ve forseen something like that… Read more »
My Entire family watch this show! and We had NO idea it was the season ender either
omg we were all devastated it was over too!! I cant believe its over if CBS would pickit up having her wake up or have her have it all as a dream sent to her from her father in law to stop Joe from getting onto the plane and they could keep going on then GREAT! OMG Im soo depressed! I <3 medium!! like Love Love it! I just started getting episodes on my itouch
we own ALMOST allof the dvd… Read more »
HOW disappointing! I LOVE this show.
Dammit. Once again, the good show gets shot out of the water.
I am rethinking why I watch television in the first place. I may go back into my no tv watching stage. Cancel the cable.
Yep. Back to the primordial soup of books.
It’s such a shame that Medium has been cancelled. It’s such an amazing show.
:”I am 20 years old and started watching this programme from when i was really young and it started showing in England. I loved the ezcellent writing, story recovery, character creation, dialouge, family scripture down to the pyschic crime solving. Utterly brilliant. I do agree with what everyone is sayin thpugh about killing of Joe. I believe there was an episode where Allison died and got to come back (wake up) because of all the good she has done and can do yet wasn\\’t rewarded her husband!? Yes the kiss at the end was nice but why not have let… Read more »
I feel the same as the previous writers before me about the season finale on Friday 01/21/11 I have never commented on anyhting online before today!! I am blown away. I love medium. I love the idea of the wroking family with issues just like everyone else. trying to make it work in a tough economy and raising children. I loved the family dynamic and I loved Joe!!! dont kill Joe!!! I am really bummed out about it being the season finale and even more so that the show is cancelled… Bring back Medium!!
I don’t even know what to say. I, too had NO idea the series was cancelled. It didn’t hit me that this was the case until we see the two Joe’s together in Mexico. I’m so ticked off that I’m writing this, hopefully the powers that be will add my voice to all the others here and elsewhere who are shocked, stunned and downright pissed. Ridonculous.
Totally bummed about the ending of the show. My husband and I were completely blown away that when we sat down to watch one of our favorite shows it was the finale! And killing off Joe was the worst idea ever. We loved Joe! In my opinion that was where Ghost Whisperer went wrong too, when they killed off the husband then had to figure out how to bring him back because fans were upset. What is wrong with having a happy couple? And a good example of a working family these days? It would be great if Medium moved… Read more »
What ass decided to cancel this show? Did you not like the actors? Or maybe the writers shouldn’t of been so realistic in there writting. Come on when are you going to take the crap shows off and leave the good ones alone. Hell CBS doesn’t have a.nything I want to watch now . Going to miss Joe , Allison and the girls hope someone picks this show up.