Mork & Mindy aired for four seasons on ABC, and the series launched the career of Robin Williams. The comedian starred as Mork from Ork, and the series had a number of problems behind the scenes during its brief time on the small screen.
Those involved with the comedy have now taken a look back at the series and the ending. I09 shared some reflections from the people behind the series.
David Misch, a writer for the series, spoke about Robin Williams and the reasons behind the series loss of popularity over the four season period it aired. He said:
“No one had ever heard of Robin Williams before, and this guy was a skyrocket. He was doing things no one had ever done on TV. And I think by the second, third and fourth seasons, people sort of knew them. Robin was just as brilliant, but he wasn’t as new. And I think that level of excitement [was gone]. And I don’t think the show came up to support him in the ways it could have, and so it sort of drifted away.”
The series ended at the end of season four with a cliffhanger that was never resolved for the fans. The final episode titled “The Mork Report” showed Mork trying to receive a promotion from Orson, but instead he creates a report about having a happy marriage on Earth.
The episode was actually filmed ahead of a three-part episode that was meant to serve as both as a season finale and a launch pad for season five.
Brian Levant described the plan for season five.
“We even tried to get a fifth season. So here was the scenario: [Kalnik], another alien, became Mork’s buddy, and then [Mork] finds out he’s there to kill Mork for some reason. And so, to fend off this threat, they revealed themselves to the public [as an alien and his wife], and ultimately they had to run away through time to hide from [Kalnik]. It was going to be a semi-educational show, where Mork and Mindy traveling through time would meet with historical figures. We actually did a photo shoot for that, of [Mork and Mindy] standing with Abe Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin.”
However, the show was cancelled, and the order of the episodes was changed to give the series a bit of closure. After the show ended, Robin Williams went on to become an actor in movies. He won several awards for his work, and he returned to the small screen in the year before his death with CBS series The Crazy Ones. That series was cancelled after just one season, but Williams and Dawber did reunite on the series.
He died a few months later. Mork & Mindy introduced the world to the talent of Robin Williams, and the series is still loved by many loyal fans.
Were you a fan of Mork & Mindy? Were you sad to see it end? Tell us what you think.
Yes, I loved Mork & Mindy and I hated the way it ended. It is good to hear that they had a plan for a fifth season. I think it would have been great.
I’m 54 years old. I watched Mork & Mindy faithfully a a kid. I loved Mork. I related to him. He was my brother from another mother! (From a test tube actually I suppose) lol! Mork was all good! That show should have never been canceled it was brilliant. It was a show case for Robin Williams talent like no other. When they allowed him to shine that is …
I loved Mork and Mindy. It was always fun. The only thing I wasn’t too crazy about was Mr. Winters playing a baby, but I got used to it.
I lived in Colorado in the 80s. It was great to have Mork promoting us!! This was sad when Robin died. I feel like my childhood has now officially died too:( 🙁
i always loved Robin,i knew him from episodes of Happy Days before he was mork the show was funny.
Loved Robin Williams in anything…’specially Mork & Mindy!
I used to watch it when i was stationed in Turkey. they showed it in english with turkish subtitles. The opening sequence above boulder colorado always made me homesick. great talents.
My favorite story out of that was an interview with Williams. Williams insisted on going to lunch, and as the interviewer and Williams walked along the street Williams kept invited strangers to join them. They sat down, had a nice meal, and Williams suddenly got up and left leaving the interviewer with the check. Hilarious stuff.
I’m glad Mork&Minds retuned to abc.
I feel it ended too soon and never had real closure he was never really given a chance to show what he could really do until he got to the movies I have all the seasons and all of his movies it would’ve been nice for them to of done a reunion But since his death that could never be done He is really missed