The saga of NBC’s medical disaster series continues.
Trauma revolves around a group of brave first responder paramedics in San Francisco. The high-action series is populated by an ensemble cast that includes Derek Luke, Cliff Curtis, Anastasia Griffith, Kevin Rankin, Aimee Garcia, Billy Lush, Jamey Sheridan, and Taylor Kinney.
Back in October, NBC indicated they weren’t ordering any additional episodes of Trauma beyond the initial 13 episode order, effectively cancelling the series. Then, in the wake of the failure of The Jay Leno Show, they ordered seven more episodes to fill primetime space.
When Trauma returned to the NBC schedule after a three month hiatus, the ratings were even worse than they were back in November. If the execs weren’t happy with the ratings before, they were very likely regretting their decision to order additional installments.
According to the Futon Critic, NBC has now cut their additional episode order from seven to five installments. That brings the season total to 18 episodes.
The last episode of the season, and almost certainly the series, will air on April 26th. No word yet if the producers adapted episode 18 so that it could serve as a series finale or if viewers will be left hanging.
What do you think? Are you sorry that Trauma’s episode order has been cut? Are you holding onto hope that it will be back for season two?
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Image courtesy NBC.
Two of my 3 favorite TV shows air at the same time; Trauma and 24. So, I was looking for a place to note a request to air them at separate times. But in doing so, I come to find Trauma will not be continuing beyond April! I sure wish it would continue. It probably rated worse because it airs at the same time as 24. Please change the time of airing and keep this quality show going.
Maybe we should mail in bandages to the execs? Thousands of bandaids for the execs to stop the bleeding of great shows like Trauma.
It worked with peanuts for Jericho!
I think NBC needs to realize that Dancing With the Stars is on at the same time slot. They should show it during the summer and see what happens, or take it to the USA Network instead of showing reruns of Law and Order: SVU and C.I. It would probably catch on greatly on the USA Network.
Hey guys.
I just think Trauma needs an IV of adrenalin and some oxygen.
Lets help it.
NBC you what the hell. Why do you keep pulling good shows. Keep Trauma !! We need more DRAMAS no REALITY CRAP!!!
please keep trauma on the air. if it gets axed by nbc maybe tnt or usa can pick up this show.
Nooooo! They better not cut this season short, or neglect to renew it for a 2nd season. I will boycott the network if that’s the case.
Ii would great if TNT or USA would pick up this show. I deserves a chance. 10 PM spot on FX would be perfect as they could add a little adult content a la JUSTIFIED.
I love Trauma…. PLEASE keep it on!!!
So if NBC cancels this show, is it just going to add another reality show? They’ve becopme the reality network. It’s the only show I watch on NBC and I LOVE IT!! Perhaps if they ran a show consistently and for more than a partial season, they’d see the numbers they’d like. Aren’t these the guys that fubbed the Conan/Leno situation. I miss Conan too!
I don’t know who that other Roberta is but the comment is surely mine.
I cannot tell you how much I love Rabbit. I will surely cry when this series ends. I am so impressed with the team and all they do for their people. It makes Emergency Groups look like the heroes they really are.
I love this show and would truly hate to see it end. Networks fail to give shows a chance to grab hold. One thing that makes it very hard is that they are inconsistent. The show is on, it’s off. It is on this night now we are moving it to another night. Maybe they could show it on another night and at a different hour. It could take over the ER spot on Thursdays.
Yes, I agree with the previous responders in hoping that you keep the program “Trauma” up & running for our viewing pleasure and we will be etunally grateful, don’t you know it?! This show reminds me of the excellent show from the 70’s & 80’s, it was “Third Watch”
Many people didn’t know that “Trauma” was back. It should continue another season. If this show goes off, its a sure sign that someone isn’t doing their job and I don’t mean the cast. Keep “Trauma” on TV even if you have to change the time to play “Trauma.”
Hello guys.
Theres so much ppl who likes this show, maybe we could do something to help it. Maybe email the network, or create a website.. I dont know. What do you think about it?