At the TCA press tour, Michael Lombardo, HBO’s president of programming, spoke about the future of No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency. Though it won’t be continuing as a TV series, there are plans to continue the story in the form of two movies.
No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency ran for seven episodes on HBO, from March until May in 2009. The comedy-drama was filmed on location in Botswana and follows Mma Ramotswe as she operates a detective agency. The cast includes Jill Scott, Anika Noni Rose, Lucian Msamati, and Desmond Dube.
This weekend, Lombardo said, “We’re talking to our friends at the Weinstein Company about the possibility of, and actually developing two scripts, possibly to do two movies. And if we can get the cast together and if everything can come together we’ve love to do it. So it’s alive.”
If they get the final go-ahead, the two HBO movies would likely be shot back-to-back. It seems they won’t be filmed completely in Botswana however.
It was reported last month that the show’s producers had relocated from Botswana to Cape Town. The Botswana government, hard hit by the recession, balked at the idea of subsidizing film production while South Africa doubled their rebate offer.
If the movies are actually made, they’ll be filmed mostly in Cape Town with occasional lensing in Botswana, the locale where the story is set.
What do you think? Are you a fan of No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency? Would you like to see it return as a pair of movies?
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Image courtesy HBO.
I am so disappointed that this series did not continue. The characters were lovable and the story lines were a definite improvement over what is considered popular right now. The cliffhanger of the maid and her boy friend with the gun!! Juicy stuff. Please re-consider. Avid fan, Thanks…
By chance I recently purchased the DVD series after enjoying the books. I didn’t know the program existed. The acting and scenery are top notch. Add my name to those who appreciate excellence and wish for more in the future. Too bad public television can’t support it if HBO won’t.
I would love to see the show return and you could add movies. This show was well written, great concept with good acting. The rating for the on IMDb was good. I would have like to have seen more the seven episodes. A show with a fresh beat that offer intrigue, some comedy and life lessons. HBO how could you cancel such a good . I has been two (2) years and not even an blurb. I want this show to air again
I love the show but most of all a huge Jill Scott fan. I would like to see the tv show continue there are not a lot of shows like this where we get to see our beautiful African brothers and sisters. The movie might be good but the tv shows would be better.
This was a charming, totally absorbing series, presented in human scale. I loved it.
As white South Africans my wife and I have read all McCalls books in the No1 Ladies Detective series and have watched the TV series with great delight. McCalls depiction of African people speaks of intimate knowledge of their traditions, way of thinking and familiarity with their day to day living. He seems to get into their minds. We would love to see the series continued, even though it may not be equally appreciated by every southern African.
I would love to see the story of Precious Ramotswe continue. I loved the original series and was very sad when it was cancelled. I hope HBO can pull it together. Jill Scott was perfect in the lead roll as were all the other lead actors.
I would love to see it come back as a series with the same cast! I am a big fan of the series and the actors did a great job!
This is the 2nd time I have watched them. It is better than before. My sister and are enjoying them together. Loved all the books, and will be at both movies with bells on. So sad they cancelled the series.
I loved this series! I didn’t know it existed until two weeks ago when I was at the library. I borrowed the Season 1 DVD and watched every episode within three days – lol. So disappointed that there is no Season 2. I was really looking forward to watching it!
Love this show. So refreshing. I would love to have it back!!!!
Don’t let this story drop of the map! The series did such a perfect job of capturing the mood and tone and humor of the books. The characters are exactly how I imagined them when I was reading the books. We kept checking for the new series on Netflix and did not realize till now that it had been canceled. Go for the movies, HBO, and use the same actors.
Why is it that so many good things only last for a short time. My granddaughter and I love this show. There are not to many shows these days that we can sit down and watch together. This show has everything, great performers, beautiful country, and lots of good clean fun. This show reminded me of the shows i grew up with in the 60’s and 70’s. It would be a shame if there were no more No. 1 Lady Detective movies made. What a waste that would be. With all the reality shows on tv now, I was sure… Read more »
I was so sad to hear that the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency isn’t continuing. Loved the books! And soooo enjoyed each episode! I hope HBO will re-consider!!!
I think this and the Luck series were some of the best in t.v. I would love to have it back!! As soon as possible! definitely would watch the movies but prefer the series, and characters!