In September 2003, One Tree Hill debuted on The WB and has continued on The CW network. The series initially revolves around Lucas and Nathan Scott, half-brothers and devoted enemies. As the series evolves, the nature of their relationship changes to a bond of caring and friendship. Over the eight seasons of the dramatic series, plots center around the growth of the brothers’ relationship, basketball drama, and the various romances.
Season seven jumps a year beyond where season six left off, resulting in dramatic new developments. Lucas and Peyton have gone, but the story continues to develop with intertwined lives, passions, scandal and family tragedy. New characters arrive to shake things up too and secrets from the past are exposed.
One Tree Hill regulars in the seventh season include: James Lafferty, Bethany Joy Galeotti, Sophia Bush, Austin Nichols, Robert Buckley, Shantel VanSanten, Jackson Brundage, Lee Norris, Antwon Tanner, Jana Kramer, Lisa Goldstein, and Paul Johansson.
Season seven has just been released on DVD and includes all 22-episodes on five discs. Special features include: unaired scenes, a gag reel, and featurettes Return to Camp One Tree Hill, Spring Break with One Tree Hill, and OTH – The Director’s Debut. There’s also commentary on two episodes by series creator Mark Schwahn and key cast and crew.
You can purchase One Tree Hill: The Complete Seventh Season for $36.99 from Amazon. You can also try to win a copy here.
To enter, you need to merely post a comment below. Be sure to leave your email address so that we can contact you with the good news if you win. You can enter once per day.
If you’d like an additional chance to win, leave a comment on our Facebook page under the wall post about the contest. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can email us for another way to enter.
Guidelines: This giveaway is open to participants with a United States mailing address only. (International readers can enter if they have a friend in the States who can accept their prizes by mail.) Many may enter but one person will win. You must be 18 and older to enter and no purchase is necessary. Contest ends August 29, 2010.
UPDATE: Congratulations to “Matt” who won this DVD set in our contest. Thanks to everyone who entered. More contests to come!
I love this show! I watch it ever week and never miss an episode. Haley is my favorite character. Joy is my idol. I’m so totally in love with Bethany Joy Galeotti and Haley. I hope Joy stays in season 8 for as long as the season goes. If they kill her off, I will cry and be extremely mad. I’m a huge One Tree Hill fan! I’ve watched it since season 3 and have loved it ever since.
I love One Tree Hill <3
Amazing Show!
I watch this with my daughters. We love it!!!
I’ve been watching this show since the beginning, I’m a huge fan!
Been hooked on this show since the pilot.. would love to add season 7 to my boxed set collection 🙂 <3 Nathan Scott
Followed The Show from the wb to cw. been loving it for 8 years.
this would be a nice new addition to my tv dvd collection.
Love this show! Just Love it.
I would LOVE to win this for my sister. She is absolutely obsessed with OTH and it’s characters!!
I love this show and all its characters. I wasn’t surprised it survived its first Leyton-less season but it’s never been just about them. It’s been about people and I can’t wait until the next season starts.
One Tree Hill is by far my favourite show I have watched it for as long as I can remember, I enjoyed watching the seventh season but did miss Lucas and Peyton (Chad and Hilarie) but the new characters Quinn and Clay are growing on me (Shantel and Robert). I can not wait till season 8 and hope there is many more seasons after that!. I hope that Bethany (Haley) is in all of season 8 and doesn’t leave she is a great character and actress and would be dearly missed, especially by me!.
Entering Again!
I really liked this season and am happy that they continued it for an additional season. I think the new characters livened things up after they got quite stale with Lucas and Peyton. The cliffhanger was extremely good, I have no idea if they live while in previous seasons you knew Mark wouldn’t kill off Peyton or Lucas. I look forward to it starting up again
I love Bethany Joy Galeotti and the character of Haley so much. Joy is totally my idol. And I hope she stays in season 8 for the long haul. If the writers kill her off I will be so incredibly mad!