As Passions fans are well aware, NBC cancelled the supernatural soap back in January and it will leave the network on September 7, 2007. Luckily for some, the serial will resume on DirecTV’s The 101 channel beginning September 17th. To cut costs, the series will air only four days a week and some characters will be dropped as well. Will your favorites survive the move?
Yesterday, NBC announced they have signed the following actors to new contracts: Eric Martsolf (Ethan), Ben Masters (Julian), Kim Johnston Ulrich (Ivy), Dylan Fergus (Noah), Galen Gering (Luis), Emily Harper (Fancy), Lindsay Hartley (Theresa), Liza Huber (Gwen), James Hyde (Sam), Juliet Mills (Tabitha), Heidi Mueller (Kay), Tracey Ross (Eve), Eva Tamargo (Pilar), McKenzie Westmore (Sheridan) and Erin Cardillo (Esme).
Among the missing are: Silvana Arias (Paloma), Adrian Bellani (Miguel), Charles Divins (Chad), Brook Kerr (Whitney), and Mark Cameron Wystrach (Fox).
Will these departures impact the series? Some don’t think so. Vice-president of Daytime at NBC Universal Annamarie Kostura said, “We are thrilled that the principal cast members will continue on the show. It is important that the fans know that the show will still be the same after the move.” Patty Ishimoto, General Manager of DirecTV Entertainment, said of the signed contracts, “This is great news for fans of the show who will be able to seamlessly join their favorite characters for new adventures on The 101.”
Unfortunately, there’s still no word if Passions fans will be able to see their soap online or any other way other than subscribing to DirecTV. We’ll let you know if that changes. Stay tuned!
dissapointed will be sorryto see it end on reg tv wont last on direct tv losing too many viewers
I am sorry that you let Passion go to Directtv. I some time race home to see what happen next with Teresa an Sheriand, but now it is a lost, because i won’t be getting Direct Tv. Please bring Passion back!.
Dh Attlanta, GA
I watched Passions since it began right after my other favorite soap was cancelled Another World or whatever it was called. I’m so going to miss Passions, i thought it was so funny, and so unreal, not like the other soaps that are boring except for days of our lives…
I’m so dissappointed with NBC!! I’m am not also going to suscribe to Direct TV…
I will miss Passions. I have been watching it since I was in middle school, now that I am a stay at home mom of two kids, I had always looked foward to nap time, b/c thats when passions came on and I had mommy time. I will not be switching to DirectTV. I am very dissapointed in NBC for letting Passions go.
you people are amazing, you seek ratings, and destroy the very things that you could use to creat them. getting rid of passions was by far the most stupid thing you could have ever done.
i have dish network, and am very happy with it . it’s not that i could not afford to switch, i will not.
i got hooked on this show about five years ago, recorded it every day so i wouldn’t miss any episodes, now guess what, i won’t watch nbc ever again.
I’m also very disappointed that “Passions” has moved to Direct TV. I will not be a subscriber. I began watching from day 1 and never missed an episode. It truly is a creative show and I felt that it gave NBC an edge over daytime TV because of the diversity of the characters and the supernatural element to the theme of the show. I do hope it will air on line or YouTube or something. I’ll miss it for sure.
Me and my friends are all very upset that Passions is moving to DirectTV…Do you know how much it is per month to subscribe to DirectTV…$100.00/mo. in the WA. area. We are not going to join DirectTV just because NBC is making a huge mistake! These actors are wonderful, and they keep us amused and entertained. Not like some of the other Soaps out there that there’s killings, rapes, etc. We will miss Tabitha and her crew, especially Andora..she’s a huge asset to this show and very smart for as young as she is. You will all be dearly missed,… Read more »
Eight years of total committment and this is the appreciation I receive. Shame on you NBC! Would you think I’m even considering changing from Comcast to Directv? Not!
Silvana Arias (Paloma), Adrian Bellani (Miguel) and Mark Cameron Wystrach (Fox) are the three actors who will leave the show on September 7. James Stevenson (Jared) just left on July 23. Right now it is currently unknown that Charles Divins (Chad), Cathy Jeneen Doe (Simone), Brook Kerr (Whitney), Danica Stewart (Jessica) and Adrian Wilson (Chris) will continue with the soap.
I have watched Passions since day 1, obviously NBC isn’t listening to the viewers, perhaps they need a few new writers, but not canceling the show. I don’t think trying to force viewers to go to buy Direct TV is the answer either, I won’t get Direct TV to watch it, that is unbelievable.
i am very bumed that passions is leaving and ending sept. 7..i am a big fan of passions and its really upsetting cause all my favorite actors and actress is leaving the show ..or getting killed off…i love passions its one of my favorite soap..and i wish it stayied on NBC..cause i don’t have cable..looks like i will be missing it..the only way i can fine out whats going on is through the interent i just hope one day it will go back on nbc or other soap net so i can watch it. when i found out that passions… Read more »
It will be aired in Canada! but you need to have cable. umm heres the article BREAKING NEWS: Allarco Entertainment SAVES Passions in Canada! ***UPDATE: I just got off the phone with Allarco Entertainment, they confirmed the following things #1. YES, they have picked up Passions. Passions WILL air on 1 of the 4 or 6 pay TV channels owned by Allarco Entertainment. The name of the channel where Passions will air on will be announced later this month #2. Allarco Entertainment is in talks with all the major cable/satellite companys to carry their channels. Right now nothing has been… Read more »
what was nbc thinking? it wasn’t the fans that was sure. please air passions on soapnet. i can’t live without it.
I am totally bummed. Passions was the only soap I ever liked. I recorded it every day so that I could watch it when I got home from work.
I can’t afford Direct TV. Guess I’ll start watching a different channel. NBC always cancelled Passions for stupid things like tennis, golf, and other sports that nobody gives a damn about. Screw NBC. I don’t like the way they twist the news to form to their political views anyway, and since Passions is going away, so will NBC from my television set. I will watch FOX instead.
I have watched passions since the beginning…unfortunately i wasn;t able to watch it consistently, but i have now returned home from Europe in hopes to catch up on the series..however i have just recently found out that passions is moving to direct tv…hopefully Global tv won’t make the same mistake as nbc and holds on to the daytime soap…cause honestly even though i have been gone for a year i was so eager to watch Passions when i arrived…NBC definitely made a mistake…