Network: NBC
Episodes: 13 (hour)
Seasons: One
TV show dates: June 7 — August 28, 2010
Series status: Cancelled
Performers include: Chadwick Boseman, Lee Purcell, Jason Wiles, Andy Greenfield, Daisy Betts, Tina Holmes, Alan Ruck, Kate Lang Johnson, Sean O’Bryan, Gerald Kyd, Reggie Lee, Alan Smyth, Joanna Lipari, Kandyse McClure, Victor Alfieri, and Carlos Lacamara.
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TV show description:
This mystery drama revolves around a group of strangers who wake up in a strange hotel, then find they’re imprisoned in a ghost town and not able to leave. They see that security cameras are following everything they do. Their unknown captors create mistrust within the group by privately offering them freedom if they hurt the others.
Janet Cooper (Daisy Betts) is a San Francisco day-care owner and single mother of a 5-year-old girl, Megan. Janet’s mom has now been forced into the role of guardian of Megan, not knowing what happened to her daughter. Janet explains her mother is abusive and that they have a distant relationship. She is determined to get out of the situation so she can get back to her daughter. At one time, she was married and hired someone to find her husband.
Mark Renbe (Gerald Kyd) is a journalist from San Francisco who enjoys a good scandal. He’s investigating Janet’s disappearance, and receives information about it from a source in a bar but is then forced to give it away.
The natural leader in the group is Joe Tucker (Jason Wiles). He’s forceful and direct and mentions he doesn’t keep friends, family, or even a girlfriend. He’s very secretive with the others, not even telling them what he does for a living or why he may have been chosen to be taken. He knows military hand signals and was abducted in New York.
Charlie Morse (Alan Ruck) is an investment firm’s CEO. He was worried from the very beginning about how his wife would cope without him. He states that she’s mentally unstable, and emotionally dependent on him. His fighting skills become evident when he is intimidated or threatened.
Moira Doherty (Tina Holmes) is officially a crisis counselor for a teachers’ union. She confides to some that, until she was abducted, she’d been a mental patient at a hospital in Sandusky, Ohio. This left her with knowledge of different medications, introverted and trusting. She admits she feigned mental illness at a certain point to stay at the hospital so that she wouldn’t be sent to foster homes.
Moira has become close to Tori Fairchild (Kate Lang Johnson), the privileged and manipulative daughter of an American ambassador and former head of the CIA. When she first woke up in this strange hotel, she had thought she’d just partied too much the night before. She thinks her father is behind her abduction, but won’t say why. She has a talent for hand-to-hand combat.
Sergeant Graham McNair (Chadwick Boseman) is a Marine. He’s also a devout Muslim following his working in a government facility and seeing how alleged terrorists were being treated. Because of this, he can show compassion, but he also tends to make hasty decisions. He seems to be interested in Moira.
Bill Blackham (Sean O’Bryan) put the moves on Tori and beat Graham in a very physical fight. Bill’s first priority is always himself, and he doesn’t trust others easily. The last thing he remembers before being abducted is being pulled over by the police.
Watching over all the abductees is “The Night Manager” (Andy Greenfield). He’s the only worker in the hotel and passes himself off as not knowing any more about the situation than the abductees. They all disagree about whether or not this is true. The captors seem to want to keep him safe.
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they should reaslly bring this show back
it was such a great show
is there any possibility of tgghe show being broughyt back !!!!!
this is not fair
otherwise they should make a movie to bring some sort of cloisure
I watched this show on Netflix. I had no idea that it was ever on tv. When I saw the final episode I nearly burst, because I did not think that I could wait until next season. Well I went on the internet to find out when the next season would aire. To my surprise it was canceled. NO FAIR. The next season they were going to be on a battleship. OMG! WHY!
I blame who ever was in charge of promoting this show. I knew nothing of it before Netflix. PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!!
I am the same way. I started watching it a few weeks ago on Netflix and could hardly stop watching it. It was awesome. I can’t imagine why it would be cancelled. I wish I could learn why it was cancelled. I also did not know it was ever on TV.
It upsets me that I will never know what happened after the last episode.
i never watched this series on primetime and JUST finished it on netflix this morning and i am furious it was canceled and at least hoped i could maybe order the next season or more on amazon … they could have at LEAST ended episode 13 with an explanation of: why each person was taken, what the heck ‘the program’ even was, what the program was trying to accomplish, etc., etc., ETC. … i hate stuff like this … what are tv executives even thinking? or not thinking when they do crap like this? come on!!! give us viewers some… Read more »
Gigi, I completely AGREE! I cleared my schedule, one night EVERY week, so I could watch this series, and Not be Interrupted! Three of my kids were still living at home when it was on, and they KNEW to leave me alone during this hour, ‘or else’! lol
I, too, sure wish it would come back on…you know, if they are worried about ‘ratings’,
I will be SURE all 6 tvs in my house are tuned in to that show!!
I’m sure they won’t, but its worth a shot..
Ohhhhh am I pissed !!! Such a great series and you leave the world hanging. Watched it on Netflix and was eagerly awaiting the new season. But noooo, as usual they cancel the good ones.
I like other’s started this on netflix. I too am sad it is not going any further. So interesting. I like the dynamics, the characters and the way it is so different.
This show was great and think it could get even better leading from where we are at it has endless possibilities for an intense and exciting show… Please reconsider canceling this show
I love this show.I never watched it on t.v., I found it on netflix and I watched the whole season. After I googled the show tosee when the next season was going to start. I’m heart broken that they never made a second season. They really need to stop canceling the good shows and canceling all the shows that are really stupid to even have on air. I am really hopping that they will come out with a season 2 I would be the 1st one in front of my t.v. to watch it……… So PLEASE air a season 2… Read more »
I am mad that this series was canceled. I really was enjoying it. They also canceled several other series that I was enjoying. The thing that upsets me the most is that they leave things hanging they never finish the plot. They leave stories unfinished.
you know sometimes we should be able to say which shows are canceled or not syfy should pick up persons unknown at least it will have a chance and they wont leave u hanging leaving shows on like parenthood
We just watched the season on Netflix and had not seen it during regular programing. While there was some weakness in the script, most of the actors were strong and it is difficult to immagine that there won’t be a second season. This is especially true in light of the stale sitcoms, and dumb “reality” programs that try to pass themselves off as entertaining.
Bring the show back. It is GREAT!!!! It always leaves you wondering. You tend to cancel the good shows. BRING IT BACK!!BRING IT BACK!!BRING IT BACK!!BRING IT BACK!!BRING IT BACK!!BRING IT BACK!!BRING IT BACK!!BRING IT BACK!!BRING IT BACK!!
They need to bring this show back… What is wrong with these networks!!! They are always canceling shows that the people love. Why do they do that? I hate the networks!!!!
No Robert, you aren’t the only one who is tired of great shows being cancelled with no follow up or proper ending. My husband and I LOVE this show. We were anxiously awaiting for its return only to find out its been cancelled. I would love to have a meeting with the TV execs of all major TV channels just to see why they keep cancelling the good shows. It makes no sense to me. Hey EXECS if your reading this……….bring Person’s Unknown back.