Credit: Karolina Wojtasik/SHOWTIME.
Ray Donovan has fixed his last mistake. Showtime canceled the series after the end of season seven recently, and the news was a shock to all those involved with the series, including the man running things behind the scenes. David Hollander revealed that he thought the series would end with season eight. The writers were working towards that conclusion, and Showtime was aware of that plan when Hollander began writing during season seven.
Hollander said the following about Showtime ending Ray Donovan, per Vulture:
“We’re still scratching our heads. We had no indicator that the show was ending. We were behaving creatively as though we were in mid-sentence. And so, there was no sense that this was going to be a completion. This was in no way a series finale.”
Hollander and his staff already had season eight in mind, and that season was going to end things on a note where the fans would have closure. Season seven did not do that. The fans are left with cliffhangers across the board. Season six’s finale would have closed the series out on a much better note.
Hollander revealed the following about the plot of season eight:
“The pivot we had been making narratively was to move the backstory into the present and run it concurrently. So there were actually two stories to be told: What happened then, really, and how will that impact what happens now? The next step was what happened with Ray and Mickey in the ‘90s, which would have been the creation of Ray Donovan as a character and as a fixer. That’s why we went into such detail to find the right cast.
That [flashback] story was a helpful pivot, at least for me creatively. I felt really good about it. And so, that story was going to run directly against the idea of Ray and Mickey now.”
Could the series return to close things out? Hollander did not count that out, but it would be easier to do sooner rather than later. The sets are still in place, and the cast could be called back in.
Hollander did have this message for the fans:
Thank you, first and foremost. A huge, huge thank you. All we can do is hope that we have an audience that cares. The gratitude is really meaningful to those of us who are feeling a little bit lost by what’s happened.
The other thing that I feel is a bit apologetic. I’m proud of the work that we all did. I’m proud of the way that this year ended. It was powerful and well-acted and they achieved what I hoped they would. However, this wasn’t meant to be [the ending]. You could spin it one way and say that it’s hard to satisfy an audience with a finale, not that I didn’t want to try. I always want the opportunity to try. I just wish I had.”
What do you think? Do you want to see Ray Donovan closed out in a way that ties up the loose ends left by season seven? Or, was it time to end the series?
This decision is beyond stupid. Who in their right mind going forward is ever going to purchase this series (Blu-Ray, Streaming etc) knowing that the many story lines were NEVER completed. Showtime has done itself a big disservice here.
We have watched this show from the beginning and to end it this way is not respectful of the steadfast viewers who wait for closure of this amazing storyline. Please reconsider your executive decision and provide all your viewers and series staff the opportunity to complete the story of RAY DONOVAN. Thank you for your time with hope for a respectful conclusion.
Canceling and leaving a cliffhanger is the lowest blank blank thing a network can do especially when there’s a loyal following.
Yes renew!!!
Seriously Ray Donavan was the best show going on any network. Showtime is going to lose alot of viewers over this. I for one stream showtime just for Ray Donavan. I’ll be cancelling it. Please let us have some closure. BRING BACK RAY DONAVAN
I guess it’s time to cancel showtime nothing left there, Ray Donovan was the best show they had,since they all but ruined Shameless
Please renew Ray Donovan!!! We need to see Ray get a proper ending!
A series that has 10 Emmy nominations and a excellent viewer numbers should (in my mind) not be cancelled! The producers of this outstanding show need to consider the fans and the following that Ray Donovan has obtained. Granted that Showtime is a paid cable service and a lot of fans pay to have this extra channel to their cable service. So, based on facts listed above, another season should at least have the story end with a closure and not have every fan left scratching their heads!
I want Ray Ray and his Irish boys, and girls, back! At least give them a true final season. Netflix are you listening?
Renew! He is right…we need closure!
Please can we have series 8 even if it’s just to tie things up. I can’t believe they cancelled and left things how they did. Such an amazing series needs closure
We are entitled to an ending with season 8. I am shocked and saddened to see Ray Donavan end. This is the only good show on showtime. Please reconsider and bring the show back. This is a huge mistake. A fantastic series, and I will miss Liev Schriber and the rest of the cast. What will we do without Mickey scheming, and Ray trying to fix everything. Hoping you will reconsider. A huge fan.
Please Showtime keep Ray Donovan for one final season!!! I want to see season 8!!!!
Showtime should be ashamed. They’re getting pretty good at ******** their subscribers.
please renew ray donovan