The short-lived show Reunion, created by Jon Harmon Feldman (who also created the prematurely cancelled 2003-05 series, Tru Calling), centers on the lives of six friends. The show premiered with the murder of one of the friends at a 20-year high school reunion. The series then followed the criminal investigation in the present, while flashing back to the characters’ past — one episode covering one year of their lives, starting with 1986 and working forward to the present.
To date, nine episodes have aired and 13 have been produced. Production was halted after the show was cancelled and its 13 episode original order (up to 1998, eight years before the murder happened) were completed.
As a result, viewers were left hanging. Creator Feldman said that, because of the nature of the show, it was unlikely that the killer of Alexa Davalos’ character “Samantha” would ever be revealed.
In December, Feldman said “The show was intricately plotted over 22 episodes to tell the full story of our characters’ lives (and deaths). Because the events of Samantha’s murder are partially reliant on characters we haven’t yet met — and events we haven’t yet seen — there is no way to solve the mystery of her murder without being able to complete the full arc of our story through present-day.”
Despite an outpouring of fan support, it doesn’t look like the show will be resurrected but a FOX executive has given a clue as to the identity of who the killer was (probably) going to be.
At the recent Television Critics Association press tour, FOX Entertainment president Peter Ligouri discussed the show’s premature finish. Ligouri shared, “Reunion was particularly cumbersome in terms of trying to provide an ending for the audience. How [creator Jon Harmon Feldman] was laying out the show to gap those additional years was an incredibly complex path. There were a number of options, and he didn’t make a definitive decision on which option he was going to go with as to who the killer was, and there was just no way to accelerate that time.”
He went on to say that the network and the show’s writers talked about several options for the killer’s identity, but “the best guess was (at that particular time) that it was going to be Sam’s daughter,” whom she had given up for adoption in the first episodes. The exact reason for the murder remains a mystery.
Despite the show’s failure to find an audience (averaging 4.3 million viewers), Ligouri said FOX won’t shy away from trying unique forms of storytelling in the future.
“It is regrettable when stories end before their time. I don’t think that should stop us from being ambitious with serialized storytelling. We put these shows on and we’re going to continue to put these shows on every year with every good intention to end them, but eventually the audience votes.”
I have a question , why did will become a priest ?!
i have just watched part of this movie recently… looking forward to watching other episodes but could anyone tell mi who killed ‘Dr. Samatha Brewster’ ?????
considering out world runs on the internet & facebook…my friend & i decided to make this page:
may work, may not. but we will never know unless we try. if we get enough people to join….we can find a way to get our finale. so please “like” the page…6 years is too long! we need our questions answered! [& tell your friends & fellow “reunion” fans to like it too!]
Seriously!!! You cancel THIS, then go on with the OC for a couple of seasons, cancel THAT, and instead put on the new CRAP you currently air?! I won’t say that you should learn by their example, cause seriously they don’t even HAVE shows worth writing about, but look at the CW network! Like their hit show Gossip Girl or their HIGHEST rated shows Vampire Diaries and Smallville… they are NO WAY NEAR your ratings, hell, they aren’t even near half! And STILL they continue to air that Gossip Girl incest sexist show for FOUR seasons or something, and YOU… Read more »
I still cant believe that i will not watch the final episodes…..this is so painful …Fox please try and do something
I just started thinking about this show and decided to google it & this was the first result. I miss this show, I was completely intrigued & then BAM! Nothing. No warning or anything. This was actually my last straw with FOX. Everytime I get into a show on FOX they just cancel it. I was completely head over heels with the O.C and they cancelled that & it had a HUGE following! Still does, everyone I know own the seasons on DVD. Since they cancelled reunion I have yet to watch any show on FOX. Face it FOX execs,… Read more »
Actually there is a facebook group trying to start a petition and one o the people have already contacted fox and they claim to have no
idea what she was talking about but in sure if they get enough calls then they could possibly Put he show back up.
i agree, i liked this show and after all these years i think about this show and how much it really bugs me that i don’t know how it ends! its like taking candy from a baby, how can you cancel a show after airing 9 episodes. its like the writers were to lazy to complete there complicated story line.
I LOVED this show! I so wish it would have finished airing the entire story.
All these years later, and I am still so mad they cancelled this! This show was awesome, one of my favorite all time! I am talking up there with the orignal 90210, Party of 5, Kings Of Queens, Seinfeld, etc.! I don’t even understand the explanation of why it was cancelled? They say they couldn’t come up with how to connect the eposides or something? Like someone else suggested, maybe have a movie to wrap it up, if you don’t want to finish the series. Same thing happened to another of my favorite shows, Freaks and Geeks(but that was a… Read more »
couldn’t agree more. i want an ending’
I would LOVE for this show to come back…I STILL think about how good it was and that I don’t know what happened!!!
I couldn’t believe this show was cancelled, me and my friends loved to watch it. It was definitely one of the best shows on TV and by far my favorite…please please please bring this back and keep all of the actors/actresses that originally played in the series.
hey am in Uganda in africa we have just recieved reunion and o mu shock dats it???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
hey does anyone know the name of the song that was used in the promotional video… it went like this… para pa pa pa parapa para pa pa pa parapa … sorry for that but its the only way I can describe it
The song is called “Hazy Shade of Winter.” You did a good job with spelling out the music. 🙂
É verdade. No meu ponto de vista o Reunion é incrível e deveria voltar, por favor. Eu acompanhava sempre quando sumiu e agora relembrando vim procurar algo e estou aqui.