Though FOX didn’t officially announce the cancellation of Running Wilde, the writing has certainly been on the wall for quite some time. It’s now been cancelled.
The freshman sitcom, which stars TV veterans Will Arnett and Keri Russell, debuted back on September 21st with a mediocre 2.4 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 5.59 million viewers. The following week, the demo rating fell by 21% and the next few weeks saw it hit a season low — a truly horrible 1.1 rating with just 2.29 million viewers. Interestingly, viewership started to build after that but it wasn’t enough. The eight episodes that aired averaged just a 1.6 in the demo and 3.72 million viewers.
Understandably, FOX opted not to order any additional episodes of Running Wilde, keeping the season order at 13 installments. FOX subsequently pulled the show for November sweeps. The network has occasionally been running repeats on Sunday nights as well as Saturdays at midnight.
Today, at the TCA press tour, FOX president Kevin Reilly confirmed that Running Wilde will not be coming back. He took some of the blame for the show’s lack of success but acknowledged that the sitcom started off slow. He said, “Look, one of the early lessons you learn is to bet on the talent. [The series] was slow to find itself. I was involved. I was involved probably more than I wanted to be. Mitch didn’t resent it. It struggled to find its legs. It found them probably too little too late.”
What do you think? Was Running Wilde worth watching? Why do you think it didn’t catch on?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Just finished watching on Netflix, couldn’t wait to watch next episode, just found out it was cancelled. Much better show than all the stupid reality shows. Please bring it back, it made me laugh.
Loved it. Arrested development team does romantic comedy. Keri and daughter were great, as was supporting cast. Will expectedly awesome!
I too fell in love with this show after discovering it on Netflix. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted! Yes, would have been nice to see where this was all going.
I agree compleatley with this guy…………. Joseph King November 17, 2011 at 5:23 pm i just watched the whole series on netflix and would just like to say i thought it was brilliant i couldn’t stop laughing its to bad there wont be a second season but as with most shows that are good they get canceled because there isn’t enough viewers. Most of the reason there isn’t enough viewers for the really great shows though is due to the fact that television producers give up to soon its all about the profits these days. Since i got my netflix… Read more »
Im so sad!!! I loved this show!!!! Why do all these amazing shows keep getting canceled!! My name is Earl, Jericho, Family Guy(at one point), exedra!!!! I loved this show! It was truly a fun clean show i could watch with my little ones but its canceled now!!! Please bring it back!!! Please!!!!
There aren’t many good shows on these days. It’s sad one of the good ones got cancelled.
I thought this show was hilarious and it is now one of my favorites! So sad that we didn’t et to see them actually get to be together. It had me laughing out loud in every episode!
i just watched the whole series on netflix and would just like to say i thought it was brilliant i couldn’t stop laughing its to bad there wont be a second season but as with most shows that are good they get canceled because there isn’t enough viewers. Most of the reason there isn’t enough viewers for the really great shows though is due to the fact that television producers give up to soon its all about the profits these days. Since i got my netflix account i have watch 4 whole series that i really loved but got canceled… Read more »
Such a funny show!!!! Why oh why did it get cancelled????
Awesome show!!!! after the first episode it gets really funny, i figure it was cancelled due to lack of advertising as i never knew about it when it was on TV. I feel this show did not deserve low ratings and should be brought back….because i want to watch more of it.
great show, so of course it had to be canceled, seems like any show I actually like is cancelled. loved arrested development…. got cancelled. seriously, do I have an unorthodox scenic of humor? or is 99% of what’s on tv pure crap kept to feed the feeble minded douche bags out there who watch Jersey Shore religiously. I fear that high standards of living & techology are interfering with natural selection. the dumb and dimwitted are not dying off as they should, rather they are able to breed in masses and drastically ofset the level of intelligence of our species.… Read more »
I saw a few episodes when it aired but unfortunately couldn’t always catch it because of work…i had no idea the show was cancelled..i just thought a 2nd season was in the making..then i finally saw the entire series on Netflix and i fell in love with the show…it had that Arrested Development kind of humor but it was still different..i am kinda sad the show didn’t continue..hopefully some luck comes down and people start demanding the series backinstead of all these crap shows like “American Idol” and “Dancing with the Stars”…
Oh why!!!
I loved this show, why do we have such stupid shows running for ever on TV and good ones get cancelled after one season!
I stumbled on this show on netflix like many others.
I found the show to be a charming mix of catty humor and neo-political commentary.
I also cried a little bit inside to find that the series was cut short.
That being said, it got really low observer recognition.
They need more Running Wilde in their lives!! :’-(
As do I!
Guess their weren’t enough fart jokes or racial cracks or whatever else crap that seems to stay on air forFREAKINever. Smart humor? God forbid!!!
Recently found and finished the series on Netflix. I had never heard of this show and found it to be quite funny. It was great to see a show break away from the Dr./Hospital stuff or like another said, sex and vomit. Bring it back please!