Sorry, Salem fans. According to The Hollywood Reporter, WGN America has cancelled the TV series after three seasons.
Set in the late 17th century, the supernatural drama centers on the people and events behind the infamous Salem witch trials. The cast includes Janet Montgomery, Shane West, Seth Gabel, Ashley Madekwe, Tamzin Merchant, Elise Eberle, Iddo Goldberg, and Joe Doyle.
Salem, which is WGN America’s debut scripted drama, never earned particularly strong ratings. However, the numbers have begun to drop in recent seasons. So far, season three has earned an average or only .09 in the 18-49 demo and 261,000 viewers. For comparison, season two averaged .13 rating in the 18-49 demo and 351,000 viewers.
The series finale of Salem is slated to air on January 18th.
From WGN America boss Matt Cherniss:
Salem is a fantastic show that greatly contributed to our successful launch into original programming. We thank Brannon, Adam our talented cast and our partners at Fox 21, for entrusting us with their unique and remarkable vision for the world of Salem. We also thank the fans for their loyal support of the show.”
What do you think? Are you a fan of Salem? Are you sad it’s been cancelled?
Really Salem cancelled but big brother goes on and on. Show’some the mentality of people. Reality show’s have killed tv.
Thankfully. The plot consistency was atrocious in this show. John Alden was ‘tied to the great spirit’, which did nothing but let him use 3 magic items. 1 of which was never used. Suddenly this is erased and his tattoos are gone season 3… they need better world building and writers for a story like this.
Season 1 was the only good story told here.
Darn it, I love this show…what is wrong with people that they don’t watch? Is it on the wrong time or night? Have these been considered???
Unbelievable, Alaskan Bush People is ready to start their , what 4th? season?? MAN!!! LOL!!!! That so sucks Salem!!!!!

I am utterly heartbroken. This script is so well written, carried out flawlessly by the actors. I truly will be praying for the reversel of the cancellation.
I am SO TERRIFICALLY SADDENED by the news of cancellation. There are literally 2 shows I watch, Salem and Game Of Thrones. My escapism from a daily life of battling Carcinoid Cancer (21 surgeries in 13 yrs). My heart weighs heavy, very heavy with this disappointing news.
I am so disappointed that Salem is being cancelled. I got into with my roommate and I’m watching the beginning (by binge watching it on Netflix). It’s a great show and very sad WGN cancelled it. I hope another network picks it up.
I couldn’t believe that the show is being canceled! Have they lost their minds?! This show keeps me drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Season 3 took so long to start and when it does, it gets canceled? That’s crazy. There are still so many story lines to continue with. Mary vs Marcy. Sebastian’s mom (I forgot her name) vs Mary. Issac vs Marcy. Cotton and his conniving wife Anne. Will Cotton find out about Anne, Gloriana and the baby? Will John and Mary have a ever after? I mean come on now, there’s still a lot… Read more »
Sorry to hear another great show has been cancelled!! This witch show has been like no other and it has been soooo good. I hope they wrap up the story lines and don’t leave us hanging!! PLEASE DON’T CANCEL SALEM!!!
Yeah I really like this show. Seems like every show I like gets cancelled, Maybe Netflix will pick it up. Lets hope.
Loved the show. Story was probably told by end of season two. The story was too illogical for me in season three. Still wish it hadn’t been cancelled.
great show hate its ending, travesty i tell you. please some one pick this show up!!!!!
I am totally sad they have cancelled this show…why??? Please Fox or Netflix pick up this awesome show!!!! I have watched this since the first episode!!!
Sorry to hear this. I love the show. Great cast and the storyline was fantastic. I looked forward to watching. Shane and Janet have great chemistry. I will miss the show and I’m really shocked at the ratings.
I WOULD say “I can’t believe they cancelled this fine show”, but I can, because it seems that’s ALL the networks do these days, unless the show’s a medical drama, or about criminal forensics. #OVERKILL
Salem was a WELCOMED change of pace, with actors with otherworldly talents. The writing was not only highly imaginative, but even deceptively funny, which only made the show more addictive. I will miss this series SO MUCH.
P.S. I’m also forever in love with the cast of incredibly beautiful women that populated this show.