Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com
Supergirl is headed to a new network this fall, and Melissa Benoist is excited about the change from CBS to CW. She spoke with TV Line at the CW Upfronts last month, and she shared her thoughts on the move.
She said the following:
“I think that it feels like it’s not too much different. I mean it is a different network. I think we’re still the same show, and I wasn’t done telling the story … so I’m really excited.”
She is also excited about the move of production from Los Angeles to Vancouver. The actress does not know much about the second season – including the pod arrival and Kara’s new relationship with James. There is a lot to explore next season.
Earlier this week, it was revealed that Superman would make a real appearance on the show during the premiere of the series. That role is being cast now.
Are you a fan of Supergirl? Are you glad to see CW gave the series a new home? Tell us what you think.
I LOVE this show, never missed an episode, and honestly don’t understand why they can’t seem to leave a good thing alone. I don’t mind it moving to CW, except that most of the time, when I fall in love with shows that air on that network, they get canceled pretty quickly, or moved all over so the ratings can’t possibly catch up. At least I will still get to watch the show… so long as they don’t schedule it stupidly.