The Winchester brothers have been fighting demons for a long time and last season, the ratings for Supernatural went up. Will the numbers continue to rise the year? Will the series be renewed for a 10th season or is it time to call it quits? We shall see.
On Supernatural, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) continue their fight against the evil forces of the underworld.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — typically the following morning, around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
2/13 update: The series has been renewed season 10.
5/21 update: You can see the rest of the latest night’s ratings in context.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
Last year comparison: The eighth season of Supernatural averaged a 0.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 2.13 million total viewers.
Note: These are the final national numbers (unless noted with an “*”). These are different from the fast affiliate numbers which are just estimates of the actual ratings. The final nationals are typically released within 24 hours of the programming or, in the case of weekends and holidays, a couple days later.
What do you think? Do you still like the Supernatural TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for a 10th season?
It deserves another series renewal. Compared to the other shows, I’m sure they don’t have a lot of cost imbedded in the production as compared to other shows with so many cast members. And yet supernatural still is viewed by millions. Love it!!
Hooked on Supernatural and The Following as well as Vamp Diaries and The Originals. Love them all!
I can remember the day when my wife and I was shopping at Costco and I saw season 1 and 2 of Supernatural for a real good price, not knowing what the show was going to be like I talked my wife into getting them… We started watching the series and was hooked, we had Direct TV and couldn’t get CW to watch the series. We would wait for the release of every new season and would watch the new season in one weekend, when the contract was up with Direct TV we got Dish to get CW, we try… Read more »
This is the Best Show EVER!!!!!! I am going to cry when they end it, I hope they don’t kill Sam and Dean off!!!
Oh no… It’s not time for them to give up the ghost! I luv this show and Im not done watching them pick up where their dad left of killing monsters and saving people!
It’s lost what made it great. It’s only for teens now. Time to let the Winchester boys give up the ghost.
I have been watching this show since it aired in 2005. I was 12 at the time, now 21. I am as big of a fan now as I was then. I have a major obsession with this show! The power of Supernatural is crazy, it draws you in and makes you love every single character. For the longest time after season 5, I believed that it was time to end the show. (I am still a firm believer that season 5 was the best season yet, also the season finale the best episode yet.) But with the last few… Read more »
I wish they could keep going on forever too, but realistically they can’t, so I’m just extremely happy that at least we are getting a spin off. I highly doubt it will compare, but I highly hope I am wrong
Everyone I know loves this show.Supernatural best tv-show ever!Winchesters forever!
supernatural is a KEEPER! Lets not lose a good thing. Supernatural forever!
the show kicks ass . everyone i know watchs it too know and i think it should keep going take it to season 20 . seriously i think your ratings are off consider the tnt syndication and the netfix hulu i-net bootlegs pod cast ect ect you need to put it on at about 5-6 daily .
This show is awesome, and its ability to stay fresh is a testament to the writers and the actors. Once I got to the third episode on Netflix, I marathoned that show like crazy, and with 20+ episodes, each being 45 minutes or so, you NEVER get bored. The episodes always switch up; from gory, dramatic, funny, serious, emotional, depressing, and informative. They found their groove, the Dean-dominated comedy episodes like Yellow Fever and the recent one with him becoming a dog were hilarious, and they weren’t trying to be comedic, just great writing and acting.. (Dean yelling at the… Read more »
The ratings for the latest ep (07) can’t be 0.95 because all other sources are reporting 0.9 so it must be <0.95
I’m trying to get verification but I believe the actual rating was a high 0.94 (like 0.946). Other sources rounded down to a 0.9 but, if you’re reporting to the 100ths place then you’d round up to 0.95. Hope that helps.
It does, thanks for clearing that up
The rating of last night episode (10/29) it’s 1.1
If you don’t round it, the 10/29 demo is actually a 1.06 rating. I’m using the unrounded numbers when they’re available so we have more accurate averages. Rounding can make a big difference — especially when you have small demo numbers like the CW’s.
This is still my favorite show. I’ve loved watching the boys grow up. Even the daytime shows I DVR and watch them. I have all the dvd’s, also. Just keep up the great work. Pam.
Supernatural Baby We The Supernatural Fans Wont allow The cw network to cancel are favorite shows on the cw network If the cw network doesn’t bring back GG for a Season 7 90210 for a Season 6 and Nikta back for a full season 4 people will watch less shows on the cw nextwork
Let’s Begining saying Supernaural Season 11 to Supernatural Season 19