To no surprise, FOX has cancelled its sci-fi series after two seasons. With a new Terminator movie about to be released, one would think the show’s future would be secure. What’s the deal?
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles debuted in January of 2008 to a whopping 18.3 million viewers and a 7.6 rating/18 share in the 18-49 demographic. Unfortunately, much of the strength of that debut could be credited to having an NFL playoff game as a lead-in. The next night, only 10.07 million returned to see episode two and the ratings for subsequent installments declined from there. Despite falling to a low of 7.12 million and a 2.7 rating, FOX opted to order a second season.
The sophomore year of the series got off to a slow start in September of 2008. The season two premiere attracted just 6.33 million viewers and a 2.4/7 rating/share in the demo. On Monday nights, airing opposite Chuck, the viewership declined even further.
FOX ordered a full season but in 2009 shifted the series to Friday nights, paired with compatible Dollhouse. It was hoped that, together, they would draw a substantial audience. It didn’t happen and Sarah Connor was commonly seen as a poor lead-in for the new Joss Whedon series. Sarah Connor’s Friday night numbers hit a low of 2.9 million viewers and a 1.0/4 in the 18-49 demographic.
Though the show’s core fans have been very supportive of the series, the efforts ultimately weren’t enough to save it. At today’s upfronts, FOX president Kevin Reilly confirmed that there wouldn’t be a third season of Sarah Connor. The studio had apparently been trying to shop the series to other outlets but those efforts were fruitless.
Will we ever get answers to the series’ open-ended questions? Doubtful. Though the Terminator saga will continue for a long time to come, it looks like this chapter is closed.
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Image courtesy FOX.
Oh Fox, you killed the golden goose…again.
Someone pick this up, we will watch.
I just watched the whole thing again on netflicks and i’m going to buy both seasons to share with family.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was fantastic! I was very amazed at all the ways the storey was evolving. I am so very upset that now, over a year later, we have not heard of it coming back on to the air? I am confused… But I see the “numbers” of watchers dropped down as the show went forwards.STOP CHANGING AROUND THE DAY IT’S ON WOULD HELP!!! Hey FOX can’t you find another rubbish pit to fill the hole? Can’t you find another show that degrades our moral fibber and teaches kids that parental authority is a joke and we… Read more »
I just finished watching 1rst and 2nd season, and WOW. Fox needs to bring it back, I agree with all the comments here; this was the best. Please someone bring 3rd, fourth, and however many seasons they can create. It time for it.
Pls bring it back cuz I wait it for a long time I want to watch season 3 . I want it!!!!!
Are you guys living in CRAZY town!!! This was an awesome show!! I can’t believe this crap!! I like Fringe, but this show is way better than that one! BAD BAD DECISION!!
I do hope there will be a season 3. Man…i lost a lot of sleep coz of wanting to finished Season 1 and 2. Only slept like 5hrs a day and to work 12hrs….only to rush back home and continue where ive left. Its really kinda disappointing to learned that there is no season 3. Pls do continue. (Singapore Fan)
Bring back The Terminator! Good show!
I agree with Tammy. Bring it back! Fox, you have sadly disappointed me in the past and yet you continue to disappoint me knowing full well you should care more for the viewer. I was officially and staggeringly shocked back when Dark Angel was cancelled and it left me on the biggest cliffhanger ever. NOW with TSCC Terminator show you guys have given me the biggest most colossally and anger filled cliffhanging climax I have ever seen in my lifetime, although I love the Terminator series I am left in awe and confusion by the last episode and i also… Read more »
This was a great show and our family watched every episode together…
Please bring it back!!!
i hate you fox! you ruin everything that is good in the world. i hope your production executives fall to the cold unflinching hands of a cybernetic organism sent from the future of tv hell.
Great Saga, It was not the show but the marketing that failed to achieve viewers. Damn series is among the best I have seen in a LONG time. It was a combination of factors including time slots, and advertisement, that yielded poor ratings. It was not the show itself because it had great acting, and great scripts to an already heart griping story. A third season would have given the touchdown or homerun corporate was looking for. Unfortunately we will never know thanks to FOX corporate, and we have idiotic reality T.V shows only tees watch because, let’s face it,… Read more »
I just watched all of season 1 & 2 on netflix. I thought the show was awesome. So much better than most of the crap on TV. It was really well thought out and kept you interested. I just found out its cancelled, sad. I really can’t believe it didn’t have a better following.
UM>>> i totally agree i just spent two days of watching all the epsisodes. And like usual just like the terminator movies there still is no closure.. Terminator has been going on since the 90’s will i ever have the answer about skynet in my life time?
What a great show. I can’t believe with all the reality crap there is on TV you could not find it in the budget to keep a well written, well acted sci-fi drama on the air. Add to that your marketing team can’t market it’s way out of a paper bag. There are so many potential revenue streams here…but it wasn’t easy, and based on the almighty buck as the total focus…you couldn’t do it. A loss for us and a defeat for you. It’s okay you’ll find so dorky cooking show or something about disfunctional misfits for all to… Read more »
Why? Why? Why? Fox!! Dont start a tv series what is good and then stop it! Really did blew it.
Fox! once again, you blew it.