Last week, NBC quietly pulled the controversial Aidan Quinn show The Book of Daniel from its schedule. The series had aired four episodes with two left to be shown. NBC replaced the scheduled January 28th episode with an episode of Law & Order and the following February 3rd episode with an extended version of Dateline.
The reason for the show’s early demise is said to have been low viewership and declining advertising revenue. The series, which features a prescription-drug addicted priest who has a gay son and who also speaks with a corporeal Jesus Christ, has drawn a great deal of fire from conservative activists and religious groups.
NBC Entertainment chief Kevin Reilly acknowledged that the campaign against show may have had “some correlation” to the show’s lack of ad sales. “I think it was controversial material going in. Many of the advertisers indicated they were going to take a ‘wait-and-see’ approach before we even aired it.” In addition, several NBC affiliates refused to air the show.
Though millions watched the show, it’s highly unlikely that NBC will air the final two episodes. Though not promoting them, NBC is however making them available on its website.
The fifth episode, “Withdrawal,” was made available on January 28th, its originally-scheduled NBC air date. The sixth episode, “God’s Will,” is scheduled to be released on Friday, February 3rd. It’s unclear how long the episodes will be available.
I have the complete series on DVD I think they should bring it back.
It’s great better than most of the crap that NBC puts out.
I have just seen the series via Netflix, 2009, and think it’s a fabulous take on modern problems every family faces, regardless of race or religion. It’s too bad that so many right wing Americans would rather see violent stupid movies and really awful reality tv programming, but a brilliantly written and acted series about the many faces of love causes them fear and trepidation. Albuquerque.
I watched the first show & found it very boring. I think its easy to pinn it on the Religious Right but if that were the case shows like Desperate Housewives or Grey’s Anatomy wouldn’t be on the air.
Is there any possibility of this program being boxed and up for sale? I am an Episcopalian and I’ve known some priests and their families and this program seemed very likely.
I guess real life situations are far more scary to the organized religious community than are the ones that are jam packed with mindless violence and extreme disrespect for human value and life.
Maybe that was the problem – maybe it hit too close to home by opening a closet door that they would have preferred to have left shut.
Humor it helps to have some.
Really liked the show..Low rating who do the ask is watching ? sure was not us..Miss it greatly
I’m no expert but I think the best thing you can do is to write and/or call the network and the advertisers and thank them for airing the shows that you think are important. If they get as many calls and letters from people who want this kind of programming, they’ll be more likely to stand behind it and keep making it (providing that the ratings are also at least decent).
What can those of us who are not aligned with the Religious Right do to keep programs like this on the air? Surely there must be more of us on the other side who choose not to be dictated to by this group of fanatics.
Did the Religious Right have anything to do in the cancellation of “The Book of Daniel”?