The Boroughs has added another six to its cast. The new supernatural series from the Duffer Brothers (Stranger Things) will now feature Rafael Casal, Dee Wallace, Ed Begley Jr., Jane Kaczmarek, Eric Edelstein, and Mousa Hussein Kraish.
They join the previously cast Alfred Molina, Geena Davis, Alfre Woodard, Denis O’Hare, Clarke Peters, and Bill Pullman. Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews are behind the Netflix series, which follows a group of seniors who will battle a supernatural force in the New Mexico desert.
Deadline revealed the following about the roles the new arrivals will play:
Casal plays Neil; Wallace is Grace; Begley Jr. portrays Edward; Kaczmarek plays Lilly; Edelstein is Hank and Kraish plays Dr. McGinnis.
‘The Boroughs’: Rafael Casal, Ed Begley Jr. & Jane Kaczmarek Among 6 Joining Duffer Brothers Series
— Deadline (@DEADLINE) November 21, 2024
The premiere date for The Boroughs will be announced later.
What do you think? Are you planning to watch The Boroughs when it arrives on Netflix?