Yesterday, we detailed how The Event had been performing prior to its 13 week hiatus and that it would have an uphill battle to survive. How did it do last night?
Sadly, but as expected, The Event’s return was a disappointment and registered similar numbers to (all-but-officially-cancelled) The Cape. According to the early numbers, both Event episodes scored a meager 1.4 rating in the all-important 18-49 demographic. That’s a loss of 26% from the last original episode in late November which registered a 1.9 rating.
These new episode ratings bring The Event’s season average down to a 2.1 rating and the average will keep falling as the weeks progress — unless the series starts performing like it did back in October. Doesn’t seem very likely, does it? There are 10 episodes left.
What do you think? Are last night’s ratings as good as they’re going to get? Do you think The Event has a chance?
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Image courtesy NBC.
I’m not sure how this works, but how are Nielson viewers counted? Could it be that some of these shows really do have more viewers, but in this day and age viewers watch shows via DVR or Hulu or On Demand, or some kind of way that Nielson doesn’t track? I’m one to watch TV via DVR. I don’t even know what day any of my shows come on. At some point in time, they get captured, and sometime after that… I watch them. I wonder if viewers of The Event, or Flash Forward, or V, or Hero’s have more… Read more »
I really enjoy the show, thanks to Brighthouse’s Primetime HD on demand I get to watch it, otherwise I never know when anything will be aired
I DVR the show and watch at my convience. There are times when it (The Event) loses me. Secrect service is chasing a subject thru the White House and looses him on the street. Why even allow him to get to the street? I understand, its for intertainment purposes
,But, come on- Give me a break. All and all the show is good– needs a few improvements. Maybe a new writer, new ideas. Good Luck!
Really like The Event. DO NOT CANCEL THIS SHOW!!!!!!!
The Event is the best show since Lost. It is amazing and the only reason it is not doing well is because of the 1. lack of advertising when it came back from the 2. three month hiatus. People are also very confused because they are not caught up.
Love The Event and I haven’t been interested in anything since LOST this show keeps me interested and looking forward to the next episode –I like finding out bits and pieces as we go along it keeps me coming back for more–this is now my favorite show on till date –please keep this show on cause I hate getting invested in a show just to have it yanked off give it a chance LOVE IT,LOVE IT,LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
I’m not a huge fan but I do like The Event… wonder why these shows fail?… let’s start with this: being off the air for 13 weeks… why invest time when the eposides come on and off the air and we have no idea when they will be back… until the TV execs get the idea of having a series and leaving it alone to build a fan base, why invest my precious time into network TV… there are plenty of great shows on cable that don’t get canceled even though ratings are down or not great… they cultivate a… Read more »