It turns out that Unforgettable didn’t live up to its name. CBS has cancelled the police drama after one season on the air.
The TV series revolves around Carrie Wells (Poppy Montgomery), a female police detective with an unusually detailed memory (hyperthymesia) that helps her solve crimes. The cast also includes Dylan Walsh, Michael Gaston, Kevin Rankin, and Daya Vaidya.
Unforgettable started out the season with a 2.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 14.09 million total viewers. Over the course of the season, the drama’s ratings declined. At the end of the season, they fell as low as a 1.8 demo rating with 9.45 million viewers.
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The season ended up averaging a 2.3 rating in the demo with 11.3 million viewers. While the total number of viewers is impressive, the demo number (and its decline) is not. CBS already has several other shows that deliver lots of viewers but the advertisers gravitate towards the younger demo.
On our CBS Ratings Report Card, which measures the relative success of shows on the network, Unforgettable has a “C-” grade and is #15 on the list of CBS scripted shows.
If CBS wasn’t doing as well as they are, Unforgettable might have been renewed for a second season but, as it is, CBS cancelled the show instead.
What do you think? Are you going to miss Unforgettable? What made it unique? How does it compare to the other crime dramas on the network?
CBS SUCKS!!! They can’t even give us a final episode for Unforgetable so we can have some closure?! I loved that show. I hope TBS or LIFETIME will pick up this show so I can switch watching networks. Hasta la vista CBS! And what about CSI Miami same sh*t!
You must be totally mad cancelling this show! I love it sooooo much, bring it back now!!!!! This defiantly needs to be renewed or picked up by another network that appreciated its brilliance!
I’m watching from belgium, so please…. if we can see it, it’s not bad!!!
Are we gonna take this? I’ll bet the writers have some ideas for the show’s final episode. Let’s at least make that happen. What sponsor wouldn’t be on board for that special? Every single fan would love them for it. Do we need cash to make it start happening? I’ll kick in 20 bucks! I’d kick in more if we could get a respected media agent or attorney to handle the money.
“Unforgetable” cancelled – – what are those morons sitting in their white tower thinking? The show was great! Hopefully if they won’t put it back on the air another station (with brains) will pick it up. Are we going to be left with nothing but reality shows with the sickening Kardasians, the Eastwoods, etc. , etc. H E L P!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone let’s contact TNT and ask them to pick up Unforgettable (and 14 M viewers)
I’m sure that their programming dept is smarter than CBS who blew it!
You could also leave a message on TNT Facebook page and tell them that you want Unforgettable to be picked up.
I am so sad that this show has been cancelled. I loved that show! Finally a show I looked forward to and now it is gone. CBS is loosing another viewer.
U would think that after the $ucce$$ of “W/O a Trace” for nearly decade, CBS MIGHT HAVE GIVEN Poppy a break. Crap network CBS
I LOVE this show. It is terrible that it got cancelled. Bring it back.
no one cares about ratings .
I recently Googled this show and they say that TNT and LifeTime are both interested in picking it up as a new series. lets all petiton one or the other network to pick this up so it can continue. CBS should not have cancelled it. big mistake,
I totally agree, that’s the only thing I look forward to every week. UNFORGETTABLE. now I have to watch reruns all the time which sucks. big mistake, CBS.
This show was pretty good until she started delivering those “I’m an empowered awesome woman who doesn’t play by the rules! See me roar!” style lines. I’m done with this show.
Canceled my season pass last week.
How the hell did this go from being the number one new drama on television to getting cancelled? I love this show and I don’t understand how CBS can keep crap like Blue Bloods on and not this show. Also, I have to say CBS is going to be in trouble in a few years. I used to watch NCIS, Criminal Minds on their network and I have to say I stopped watching criminal minds last year and this year I have only watched one or two episodes of NCIS. I have to tell you I don’t really miss it… Read more »
Nothing of what you wrote is right my friend…
I think that the fact that UNFORGETTABLE has an element of fiction, makes its success (amount of viewers) a little less than other shows.
People rather watch detectives that solve criminal crimes without any unique power, it makes the show a kinda silly.
yes of course all the reality shows are worse, but shows like Bluebloods, NCIS, CSI, Criminal Minds and even Hawaii 5-o – they all are better than Unforgettable.
This so was awesome. Can’t believe that cancell this compared to some of teh sh*T they are still continuing to air. x
I can’t believe you idiots0! I’m really upset with this move you dummies made.I hope like hell another network picks them up. There aren’t to many good and interesting shows on. Its all reality shows anymore, there like forced down our throats but the few good shows out, balance its all out . My girlfriend and I fell in love with Poppy Montgomery and cast. It has a good story line and now you boneheads pulled it! Smooth move and we don’t even get to find out who killed her sister. We like watching other programs on your network and… Read more »