ABC has announced that Wife Swap is returning to the schedule on Friday, March 26th, at 8pm. The reality show will take the place of Supernanny when that show wraps its sixth season of 14 episodes.
Wife Swap will serve as a lead-in for a new show called Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. That series will center around chef and author Jamie Oliver as he tries to educate people about eating healthy.
It’s unknown how many episodes of Wife Swap the network has ordered. Past seasons have been made up of 20-22 installments but the show also usually begins airing earlier in the season.
What do you think? Are you glad that Wife Swap is coming back or should it have been cancelled? Is it a “typical” reality show or one that’s worth watching?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I haven’t seen that it is back for the fall ’10 season yet. Don’t cancel my Wife Swap!!
I love watching Wife Swap! I love seeing how STUPID some people are, and how ANAL others are! I grew up very military, and I would definitely be one of the “laid back” moms on the show. I would LOVE to be on the show, but, alas, I don’t have a family that is kooky or bizarre enough for the show. Maybe they could just send the other mom on vacation for two weeks while I work my magic? Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Love it! and so excited its back!
I think watching the show is entertaining. It makes me family seem normal. Yeah it’s pretty unoriginal, but shows are made for pure entertainment and laughs. It’s ABC it has to stay family friendly.
I am happy that it is back on the air. I enjoy watching it.
I love Wife Swap and Supernanny so much that I record them on my dvr in my room when they are on so I do not miss them.
I LOVE this show. I watch the reruns on lifetime all the time. Clearly not everyone is going to love the show but it’s very worth bringing back. I stopped watching ABC when it went off, now I will be watching again. YAY THANK YOU ABC!
You’re keeping this one and threatening CASTLE???? What’s wrong? You’re too cheap to pay good writers and actors, so you air this airheaded (I watched about 10 minutes one time) nonsense???Whoever is in charge of programming must be paid by CBS to ruin your schedule!!! You really don’t care about your ratings, do you?
LOVE THE SHOW! Just like Suppernanny!
I love this show. I’m glad it’s coming back. It reminds me of World’s Strictest Parents and any way you slice it, neither family is ever like my family. When I look at the garbage on TV, like Wipeout and that dumb show where contestants dressed like spacemen had to jump through styrofoam cutouts or get knocked into a pool, this show rocks. I wonder how many of the people complaining here love Bad Girls Club and The Bachelor (major blech here).
I’m happy about the show returning. I think it’s great entertainment.
this show is a pile of bull crap! i mean why on earth would a good network such as ABC be interested in these? whilst discontinuing a perfectly great show like Ugly Betty. I am absolutely throned and are at great grief at how ugly betty is not going to have season5 added to it’s series. These good for nothing shows are brainwashing Americans that we can act crazy like these people are on tv, this show is encouraging husbands that it’s okay to swap their wives and have a jolly good time, so much for good influence.
I’m glad to see it come back! It really helps reform these crazy families. I hope that ABC decides to bring back Shark Tank too, after it’s current episode order is done. This is a good reality show and helps people get there businesses going!
This is one of the most crappiest, moronic shows ever in the history of Television, who ever thought up this show should be very thrown out of the business just for insulting the viewing audience intelligence. and the people who participate should have their heads examined
It was, and is, a pieca #@%^