After four seasons on ABC Family, teen drama Wildfire ends tonight. Devoted fans are understandably upset. So, why is it leaving?
Wildfire debuted back on June 25, 2005 and revolves around the world of horse racing. The series began with teen Kristine “Kris” Furillo (Genevieve Cortese) coming to the Raintree Farm from a juvenile detention center.
Season one averaged just over a million weekly viewers and season two increased to 1.56 million, an increase of over 50%. Unfortunately, season three dropped back to the first year’s numbers. Season four debuted in January. Soonafter, ABC Family announced that Wildfire had been cancelled.
Fans have petitioned ABC Family to continue the series. The folks at have sent truckloads of hay, 500 cast iron horseshoes, apples, rope, and 1,000 pounds of carrots. Unfortunately, it’s higher ratings and additional viewers that the show really needs. As CBS learned from Jericho, a passionate campaign doesn’t necessarily mean that viewers will tune in.
ABC Family’s media relations manager, Amy Maloney, told the Albuquerque Journal that the fan support doesn’t come as much of a surprise. She said, “It is par for the course, in a sense that we’ve always known there is a strong fan base for the show… It’s flattering. It’s exciting.” In other words, Wildfire has a core audience but it’s not big enough for ABC Family.
Word is that Lionsgate, the company that produces the series, is looking for a new home for Wildfire. If the series is renewed, producer Lester Berman the cast and crew are ready. He says, “We’re saving a lot of the set dressing and the uniforms. We’re putting it in storage just in case there’s a miracle that [Wildfire] comes back.”
When the cast and crew wrapped their filming in June 2007, they were unsure if they would be back for season five. A few months ago, Cortese spoke proudly of Wildfire and the season four closer. She said, “I think we have one of the best casts and crews in television… On the other hand, we also end (this season) on a really cool note. I’d be glad to go back and get to work again with people I love, but if not, at least I’ll know we did a great job.” Stay tuned!
Germany love Wildfire!
Bring it back, please!
i Love this show !!!!!!! i’m from germany and we can see now the final of the 4th season ,,, and i can’t understand why it should be over now ?! this show is so unbelievable great and when i can help you to demonstrate for a 5th seasen you can write me. PLEASE MAKE A 5TH SEASON !!!
Ich kann es gar nicht glauben dass es schon wieder vorbei sein soll!!! Es ist endlich die Serie die ohne wenn und aber alles hat was ich super schön finde. Liebe,Herzschmerz,Pferde..und nun soll es schon wieder vorbei sein?! Warum müssen immer Zahlen sprechen um etwas so schönes fortzusetzen?!? Soviele Zuschauer und Anhänger, treue Fans der Serie wollen eine 5 Staffel, bitte bitte bitte überlegen sie es sich doch nochmal! Hier in Deutschland sind wir grad am Ende der 4 Staffel, und ich habe bei euch nachlesen dürfen, dass Kris und Junior heiraten werden, das ist so schön ihr seid… Read more »
i feel s bad that it is leaving
Wildfire was my favorite show. i am so disappointed to hear that it has been cancelled. All the characters were so perfect in their roles. Kris is so charismatic. She is a wonderful actress. I wish the producers would reconsider. Wildfire will certainly be missed!
My granddaughter and I have been faithfully watching Wildfire since the very beginning and we have a passion for the show, cast and of course Wildfire. Please reconsider the cancellation of the show, it was one of few that I actually would let my grandchildren watch because of it’s morals and young love that I feel taught people to be true to their own feelings and to follow their dreams.
I absolutely loved wildfire and i’m very upset to hear it was cancelled. i think it should be brought back on the air, because the last season left alot of unanswered questions.
I Love watching the show .Discontinueing the show would be a great disapiontment to me .I think the show is one of the best on tv today And I would hate to see it go off the air. I am a true watcher of the program and look forward to watching it every week on ABC
A true Watcher
*Diana Saunders*
As it gets closer to the time of year for Wildfire, I find myself very upset about it being cancelled. I use to get so excired running around my house, saying Wildfire is starting soon. I never missed a show. I hope that the show gets picked up by another station. It does not look good for this year, but I would so, love to have that show to look forward to again.
I just found this website so Im responding to the cancellation now..
I was a new fan of wildfire this season, my friend asked me to watch it with her and I ended up enjoying it. I am truly sad to see it go
I WAS REALLY DISAPPOINTED TO HEAR IT WAS CANCELLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have watched every episode of the show and can’t wait until I have all of them on DVD. After reading this article I hope that they get enough viewers and can start the show again!!! I would literally have a party if there was a season 5. I just love the show and am sad to see it go! It was my favorite TV show and now it is gone
thank you for a great 4 seasons and please bring the show back!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE AND TRULY MISS WILDFIRE! season 3 ended on a tricky note! kris and jrs future looks bright! but what about the “dirty dozen” horses and flame. and what about dani and matts relationship and jean and pablos!!?? these questions are all that should convince lionsgate to air WILDFIRE on a different channel…..if ABC still says no. I LOVE AND MISS WILDFIRE very deeply! i would get all excited sunday nites, not bcuz of school, but bcuz wildfire was going to be on that night. it was my only reason to look forward to a whole new week! plz,… Read more »
The only show that the hole family can watch. We all made a point to sit and enjoy a show as a family.
ABC should shame themselves for taking such a beautiful show off the air, but of course the ratings may not have been as high as some others but at least it was a good family show, I watched it since it started and will miss it. Thats whats wrong with the world these days, it’s the almighty dollar, bring back some of the good clean shows that families can watch together, all one sees on TV now days is sex, murder and some stupid way out shows, no wander our children now days have no morals and no respect for… Read more »
Why cancel the show, there was more to come It just don’t feel like the end. How do we know that Kris and Junior will really get married. Yeah they plan to but we need more of the show. This show Wildfire was a great ABC family series. WE the fans need more even if Its just one more season. Maybe one of the reasons that some people stoped watching it all the time is because the long commercials. They probably wanted to wait for the DVD to come out. There are many people who loved the show and we… Read more »