After it was reported that all of the networks had turned down David E. Kelley’s script for a new Wonder Woman pilot, the prolific producer/writer said that he believed the show would eventually find a home. Kelley noted, “I had a lot of fun writing it… It’s a huge project, and it was probably a bit too much to ask anyone to try to chew on it for next season. But I’m confident it will still happen. It’s a very complicated piece, which is the most fun thing about it.”
NBC was said to be interested in the project but there were changes going on in the executive offices so no one could commit to such an expensive venture. Now that Bob Greenblatt is in place as the new entertainment president, the peacock network has given it a go-ahead. The network has ordered a pilot and could potentially order a new series for the 2011-12 season.
Prior to the pickup, Kelley said that he felt that NBC would be a “good home for it” because he feels his Wonder Woman pilot is a “smart script” and Greenblatt “responds to smart material.”
No details about Kelley’s script are available but its been labeled a reboot, presumably meaning that it’ll have minimal resemblance to the previous incarnations of the character. Though some may not like the idea of another reboot, Lynda Carter (star of TV’s classic Wonder Woman) believes Kelley’s the man for the job.
What do you think? Who should star as the new Wonder Woman?
LYNDA CARTER SHOULD REVISE HER ROLE SINCE SHE IS WONDER WOMAN AND STILL has the beauty to pull it off .. No other actress would ever be as good
Megan Fox. Most definitely!
I still say Lynda Carter should play Wonder Woman. She looks more beautiful and better than ever. She doesn’t look like someone in her late 50’s. But if your looking for someone younger I’d go with NBC’s DOOL’s star NADIA BJORLIN. She has the perfect Wonder Woman look. I’d love to see Lynda Carter do tons of guest spots as Queen Hippolyta. It’s only far.
Please make Vanessa Hudgens the new wonder woman. please!
I think you should approach Anne Hathaway…She has the boldness in her eyes and the dark hair and you could always have Lynda Carter do a few episodes to transition her or (pass the power down)….
Hope Traci Diwiddle gets the part…just how ‘reboot’ed is this going to be though? I understand it needs to be adapted to our time and age but rebooting isnt always the right choice.
Maybe the new series could include Lynda Carter at least in the first episode to pass the baton to the new character and the new generation of wonder women.
Serinda Swan. She has already made a good Zatanna. Let’s promote her to Wonder Woman!
I think Nadia Bjorlin is PERFECT to fill the boots of WONDER WOMAN!!!
While I am a fan of Wonder Woman it’s hard to even try to pick someone to portray her because Lynda Carter is my definition of Wonder Woman and can never be matched or replaced. I’m looking forward to a new series but it’s already been outdone!
They should keep it as similar as possible to the 1970’s series starring Lynda Carter. If they do it’ll be successful if they don’t it’ll go the way that the 1974 tv movie starring Cathy Lee Crosby went. Straight to H-E double hockey sticks.
Padma Laskhmi.
i hope NBC dont pick this garbage up its bad enough NBC has enough crap on its network but if you do put it on thursday it will fit in with the rest of the garbage on that day.
Tanit Phoenix, indicata come candidata per Wonder Woman.
So who is going to play the lead role for Wonder Woman?