To absolutely no surprise, ABC has cancelled Charlie’s Angels after just four weeks weeks on the air. The new TV series struggled in the ratings right from the start.
Starring Annie Ilonzeh, Minka Kelly, Rachael Taylor, Ramon Rodriguez, and (the voice of) Victor Garber, the remake debuted to an unimpressive 2.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 8.76 million viewers. The demo dropped by an astounding 29% in week two and then another 20% in week three to a 1.2 rating.
Last night’s installment of Charlie’s Angels bumped up a little, to a 1.3 rating, but the increase was far too little to save the show.
Eight episodes were produced before production was shut down and next week’s installment is still scheduled to air. No word on when or if ABC will burn off the remaining three. Two animated specials — It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and You’re Not Elected, Charlie Brown — were already scheduled to fill the timeslot on October 27th.
This marks the first cancellation of the new fall season for ABC. FOX is the only one of the five networks that hasn’t cancelled any shows this fall and it doesn’t look like they’ll need to.
What do you think? Are you sorry to see the new version cancelled? Could it have been saved?
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Image courtesy ABC.
[…] TV show dates: September 22, 2011 – November 10, 2011 Series status: Cancelled […]
Omg noooo i luv this series!!
so sad it was like totally spies but human so ya i wanna see the final or something!! If they cancel the series, they have to do like a final episode or something like that!! Idk y they cancelled the series, its really good!!
Why would ABC put Charlies Angles at the same time line as X Factor? I really was enjoying the show. ABC is being to sucks anyway; they are cancelling too many good shows. First All My Children, then One Live To Live, and now Charles Angles.
I thought the show was pretty good. It’s so sad that these networks don’ t give a show a chance to grow!! I think that it was starting to really catch on with the action, and writing, and I really enjoyed it. This whole cancellation thing really sucks. Like another commentor
wrote, which I really agree with….how do they keep these crazy reality housewife shows on, and cancell the good stuff!!!!?????Everyone that I know, that watched the show really liked it, so I feel that the poll that they get to cancel the show is very inaccurate!!!!
I love this show. It you watched the original at first it took some getting used to as you always thought of the original girls and compared them. One you accept is different times and it is different and give the show a chance it is a great show. I was dying to see Bossly end up with one of angels. Every time there is a good show they cancel it. Not sure how they rate this though I hope they would take all watching and all recordings. I record everything I watch since O am not exactly there at… Read more »
Loved it. Pissed that it got canceled. don’t think they gave it a chance . There is a lot worse stuff that is on t v . needed more advertisements.
I love the new charlie angles change the day and time give it a chance then maybe it will have better ratings most shows they change the day and you see it does good. it,s on the same time has x factor . the cast is great i wanted to see the series in full .
Our Shooter Is A Women.
Why would you cancel Memphis Beat?
Excellent writing, funny and entertaining..
I don’t understand.
Sad to hear, we DVR everything and just watched all the episodes this week. I wonder if that hurts their ratings?
dvring or any kind of recording of programs does not count toward their ratings. So yes it kinda does hurt their ratings when people just dvr shows because it doesnt count
[…] The ratings went down from there, losing 29% in week two and then another 20% in week three. ABC cancelled the series after eight episodes had been […]
I don’t know. I feel like the show could have had a chance. Admittedly, the first three were pretty bad, but the fourth one was okay. You could tell that action was beginning to come into play, as was character depth. I feel like if ABC had given it a few more episdoes, it would have proved a promising series. I’m a little sad to see it go.
Damn! I know it was campy, but I enjoyed the vibe, the clothes, the technology. Good clean fun, miles away from the stupid reality TV. I don’t get it. Desperate Housewives lasted for years and it was about mindless women. Even with sexy clothes, don’t give a woman a brain. The men will turn the TV off, ie, the TV execs who run the industry.
I’m a huge fan of all things Charlie’s Angels, but the whole Idea of them in Miami and ex convicts and then the one with the fro just really bugged me.. sorry.. If they would have kept it maybe a little closer to L.A. Hello!! city of Angels, and truer to the original maybe it would have done better or maybe not. who knows.. Hey at least it’s good to know the Great Pumpkin has a slot to land on now.. Thanks Angels.