Back in June 2009, it was reported that pop sensation Miley Cyrus had decided to say goodbye to Hannah Montana, the Disney Channel series that made her a star. The word is now official but there’s still plenty to come.
Hannah Montana revolves around Miley Stewart (Miley Cyrus), an average high school student. Unknown to most of her classmates, is also secretly a singing sensation named Hannah Montana. Miley moved from Tennessee to Malibu with her single-father and manager, Robby Stewart (real-life dad Billy Ray Cyrus), and her brother Jackson (Jason Earles). Miley’s family and friends, like Lilly (Emily Osment) and Oliver (Mitchel Musso), are among the few who know Hannah Montana’s true identity.
The series debuted on March 24, 2006 and has been a huge success for the Disney Channel. It’s paved the way for several successful albums, a concert, a feature film, and hundreds of related products. But, Miley Cyrus is getting older and apparently wants to move on to do other things.
In June, Miley’s father said that season four would be the last for Hannah Montana and commended his daughter for wanting to end the show in the right way.
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He said, “Quite frankly, I give a lot of credit to Miley for taking it to another year. She didn’t want it to just end with whatever was the last episode we did. She wanted it to build to where there’s a moral to the story, to where it doesn’t just end and go away and that’s it. She wanted there to be an official ending to Hannah Montana.”
The Disney Channel has now confirmed that season four will indeed be the end. Adam Bonnett, Disney Channel Worldwide’s senior VP/programming, told the NY Post, “You never know in this business . . . but right now we’re scheduled to wrap [forever] after shooting this new batch of episodes.”
Thankfully for fans, there’s plenty of new episodes on the way before the big series finale. The third season of Hannah Montana will wrap up with a one-hour episode in March. It’s titled “Is Miley Saying Goodbye?” and Miley makes her big decision; to continue being Hannah Montana or to just be a regular girl.
Season four will pick up the storyline in late spring and will revolve around the ramifications of Miley’s big choice. Film actor Ray Liotta will guest star in the season opener and Two and a Half Men’s Angus T. Jones will guest star in a later episode.
The season and series will wrap up with a special one-hour series finale. It’s unknown when that will air but new episodes are expected to roll out over at least the next year.
What do you think? Are you sorry that Hannah Montana is coming to an end or do you think they’re making the right decision?
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Image courtesy Disney Channel.
if they do put someone else to be Miley Stewart then the show should continue up whit a five season
are u kidding yes hannah montana should stay on tv forever.
are u kidding yes!! Hannah Montana should stay on for like forever
i don`t want Hannah Montana to end i love it so much plus i have watched the 4 season`s they did do like 50 times and i want season 5 so i could watch it i love Hannah Montana she i mean i THE SHOW HAS TO GO ON i mean i am in 5th grade and i love Hannah Montana all my friends say i am a baby because i watch it but i don`t care!!!! I NEED HANNAH MONTANA TO GO ON POSSIBLY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don`t want hannah montana to end i love it so much plus i have watched the 4 season`s they did do like 50 times and i want season 5
Pleaee cant yall atleast play reruns on disney they dont even have to be new I love hannah montana and I still love her now even thoigh she has changed a lot it would be different seeing her like she is now on hannah montana it really would im in 7th grade I grew up watching hannah montana its my favorite show and I got all excited that it was going to start showing again becasue one episode came on october 23 2013 at 3:00 and when I found out it was just for Halloween it mad me mad come… Read more »
I what Season 5 of Hannah Montana
i want her to com back miley,hannah please come back your my life
You should keep hannah montana on air I really miss her I wish I could beg her to come back on I love miley and hannah she’s my inspieration I love you miley come on air thanks