After what one could call FOX’s most successful seasons in its history, there are very few cancellations to report. FOX’s schedule will remain the same for the most part and borderline shows (ratings-wise) like The OC, The Loop and The War at Home have received renewal notices. The few shows that were cancelled (either this week or earlier) include:
Arrested Development – Critics loved it but few people watched. Read more information here.
The Bernie Mac Show – After five seasons and 104 episodes, this comedy aired its last original episode on April 14, 2006.
Free Ride – This partially-improved sitcom aired the last of its six episodes on April 9, 2006.
Head Cases – The Chris O’Donnell comedy was one of the first fatalities of the 2005-06 season.
Killer Instinct – This San Francisco-based crime thriller aired episode #13 (of 14 produced) in March of 2006 and hasn’t been seen since.
Kitchen Confidential – The off-beat Bradley Cooper comedy didn’t take off as expected and has been off the air since January 2006.
Malcolm in the Middle – The series finale aired on May 14, 2006. Click here for coverage.
Reunion – A much loved and popular series did not make it through its first season. For more information on the killer’s identity and unreleased episode details, go here.
Skating with Celebrities – This Dancing with the Stars “inspired” show never took off.
Stacked – The Pamela Anderson & Christopher Lloyd bookstore comedy has been off the air since January 2006. Episodes 15-17 have been produced but are unaired.
That ’70s Show – The series finale airs tonight with the return of Michael Kelso (Ashton Kutcher). Stay tuned for a recap.
Unan1mous – This odd “reality” game show has been almost unanimously disliked by critics and won’t be returning.
American Idol, 24, and King of the Hill will not return until early 2007, following the NFL Season.
1st of all
Fox does for damn money,not for viewers’ internal enjoyment
Family Guy is just plain A W E S O M E kid!!!!
More of Fox’s magic at promoting garbage shows. What happened to shows like Freaks and Geeks, Undeclared, Arrested Development, Futurama, and it goes on and on.
I’ve been watching Bernie Mac late at night on Fox. I couldn’t believe it one night when I turned it on and Bernie Mac was gone. I didn’t realize the show had been canceled. What an unfortunate decision. America, you know what I’m talking about, I can’t believe they canceled the Mac.
malcom in the middle and that 70’s lasted several years before they ended. family guy sucks . everything on it has been done before on the simpsons. it doesn’t have any plot.
I am going to make a list of all the good tv shows fox cancelled
1. Bernie Mac
2. Malcom In the Middle
3. They did at one point cancel family guy but luckily the company had enough sense to bring it back
4. That 70’s show
5. Stacked
6. Futurama
7. Drive
8. The Winner
9. Free Ride
10. Skating with celebrities.
I just had a theory the president of the fox network is a ******. The company should be called fux cause fox f**ks shows by taking them off the air.
I just found out that my favorite show has been given a sorry send off by FOX. Geez FOX you out foxed yourselves. You got rid of one of your best shows. Bernie brought back the greats, like Reiner and Rickles and mixed it with good music and current celebs. It was so funny and now I can’t find out what happened to the kids and Wanda. FOX you are truly tacky. Bernie you are still the Man! FOX moved like a thief in the night!
what happened to bernie mac day? damn.
i agree- it was the most hilarious show ever, and why it got cancelled is beyond me. come back bernie!
Stacked was an awesome show..and not just because of the boobies